A wolf saved me!

"Asher... Asher..." Hannah yelled on the phone as Asher just kept looking at the Wolf who turned around and started walking in the woods but was stopped for a second and turned around to see him.

He felt like, he is going to miss someone... So dearly... As the wolf walking away... He felt something in his heart that he can't accept... He doesn't want the wolf to go away from him... He wants that to stay there and look at him forever... 

But he saw the wolf again turned around and run insider the woods desapprearing from his eyes making him sigh.

"Asher... Are you alright? What happened?" Hannah asked on the phone bringing back Asher from his thoughts.

"Umm... Yeah... I am... It just that wolf..." Asher blunted out makingHannha frown deeply the other side.

"What wolf?" Hannah asked.

"Huh? What?" Asher asked.

"What wolf are you talking about?" Hannah asked. 

"Umm... I said wolf?" Asher asked.