A changing personality.

After Athena got shower, she grabbed the towel and wrapped it around her body. She walked out of the shower and to her closet.

She was about to grab a dress when her eyes falls on the locker.

Athena got a small smile on her face as she took a little closer to her locker.

She slowly open the locker and reach inside. Her hand grab the chain that she keep from her mother and she hold it tight to her body. She keeps her eyes closed as she listen to the beat of her heart.

After a few minutes she finally open her eyes. She took the chain off first and put it on her neck.

She closed the locker and grabbed a dress. She take it out the closet and put it on.

She look on herself in mirror.

She look beautiful with the dress on. She smiled a little as she look on her dress and what she wore.

Athena take her hair out and dried her hair. She takes the hairpin and put it on as she wrapped her hair into a bun.