You are so cruel.

"Dean..." Rachel called as she walked towards him making him turn around toward her. 

Dean took a deep breath as he looked after. 

"What?" Dean asked sternly.

"Umm... Can't you... I mean... Can't you move on?" Rachel asked.

"Move on?" Dean asked as her started at her making her nod her head at him.

"Yes." Rachel answered.

"From whom?" Dean asked making her takes as deep breath.

"From me..." Rachel answered making him chuckle.

"Isn't it my wish to move oin from a person or not? Will you decide this too?" Dean asked.

"Dean... It's not that..." Rachel said but Dean cut her off in mid sentence.

"Then what it is, Rachel?" Dean asked as he looked into her eyes.

"Dean, I want you to move on... Please... You need to get a girl of your dreams in your life and try to love her..." Rachel said making Dean Chuckle.

"A girl of my dreams... Ummm... Good!" Dean replied as he looked at Rachel making her take a deep breath.