You need to make an effort.

Athena can read what Hunter us thinking and she felt good with whatever he is thinking about her. 

he didn't hug her with some intentions but hugged her with some genuine and honest human feelings and she is happy that she is someone's first hug.

A bright smile spreads on Athena's face seeing how happy Hunter is. 

Athen was surely angry on Hunter but after reading his mind, her angriness calmed down... Because he had never did something with some intentions but he just couldn't control his feelings.

When he walked inside her office. Athena tried to read his mind and got to know that he wants to touch her long silky hair. 

She was like, Why does he like her soft silky hair? But she didn't got any answer but then, she knows that hair impact a girl's beauty. 

It will say that a woman's hair defines how she is perceived in the eyes of other woman and men's. 

And Athena had the beautiful hair ever than any other woman.