
"Oh..." Before Rachel yell out loud Athena closed her mouth with her hands from behind her making Rachel's eyes wide.

Athena took her out to the patio and left her making Rachel jump up and down making Athena frown.

"Oh my god... Oh my god... I can't really believe this... Is this a dream or something? Because I really... Really can't believe that I have seen Asher Knight... Oh my god... He is really Asher Knight." Rachel yelled as she jumped up and down like a kid making Athena sigh.


"Ohh. Yes... How are you?" Dean asked.

"I am good. How about you and how did you found my number?" Asher asked.

"I am good. Actually, I got it from Athena. You have no worries right?" Dean asked.

"Ohh... No... No... I have no worries. That's great actually... I want to ask her your number between." Asher answered.

"Oh... Why?" Dean asked.

"Just wants to talk to you about something!" Asher answered.