Love is in the air.


He suddenly realised that she is teasing him as he had teased her earlier.

"Now who's being mean?" Dean asked. He also realised he could stop the teasing by moving his hand between her legs and trying to find her pussy. 

He missed the target, but did grab a bit of thigh. She managed to jump out of reach but had to stop sucking his dick, although she didn't let go. He tried again, and after a brief tussle that she won, they ended up laughing at the comedy of the situation.

He is not sure how long it took them to realise that their grab and grope had ended up trapping his hard length between their stomachs. Their had stopped laughing and were staring into each other's eyes. He think she could feel his nerves coming back.

She held his head in her hands and kissed him.

He still think that is the best cure for nerves ever invented.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Dean had to ask, still not believing she were here.