Chapter c Transformations

Nansen swung the doors open and stepped through the threshold. Baine startled forward, but then froze. He watched Iggy walk in. It was undeniable that Iggy had changed, hell, Baine had expected it, but when he saw the man standing before him his jaw dropped and his eyes rounded. His face became pale.

Iggy curled his fingers tightly around his sleeves to cover all of his knuckles. He glanced at the bookcase stacked along the walls, Baine's long reading desk, his full leather couch sitting in the middle of the room, and for the amount of furniture he had in there, it was surprising to know that he never allowed any of the other members inside. Only Nansen and Iggy. Before he even glimpsed Baine, he cleared his throat, and said, "hello."

Their two now separated parts greeted one another like long lost cousins without either of them truly knowing about it. The virus circulating in Iggy's body whispered its loving acknowledgment to its mother in silence and invisibility. It ignited the flame within his heart that would always long for his brother more than he could for his very own father. Within Baine, it created the emotional bond that was tighter than taught steel thread, calling him to protect and provide for his younger brother.

Baine shut his book and tossed it onto the side table as it held absolutely none of his attention anymore, and he rose from his seat and approached his brothers. Each step seemed to force Iggy's chin downward. The straight bridge of his nose appeared even longer, his jaw dainty, yet desiring to see him, finally, Baine lifted his hand and pressed the underside of Iggy's chin up with the pad of his finger until their noses aligned.

Iggy met his gaze. In the spotlight of Baine's fascinatingly green eyes, deep like the forest surrounding New Eden, Iggy melted. He grinned and drew his face nearer, adoring the gentle gleam of light coming from Baine's eyes like the sun lightening a blade of grass.

Baine, on the contrary, startled backwards. He retracted his hand from Iggy's chin like someone would from the snapping jaws of a dog, and stood his ground a few feet away. The majestic shimmer in Iggy's beautiful multicolored eyes couldn't be ignored, in fact they needed to be seen with awe, regardless of the danger that they signified. But that's just it. His eyes were a warning to stay back and away.

Uneasily, Baine peeked around Iggy's shoulder and saw Nansen lingering by the open door. Nansen's tight lips and lifted eyebrows expressed his uncertainty without saying a word. After a long awkward stare, Nansen finally gave in and said, "I'm… gonna go," and he slipped out of the room cunningly quickly.

Baine took a great inhale to control the fluttering in his chest and he noticed Iggy's scent. An aroma of cucumbers with a touch of vanilla. He inhaled again, subtly, finding the smell calming his nerves. Thankfully. Iggy smelt new, and if he dared say it, helpless.

"Come and sit," Baine invited, gesturing to the couch.

Vulnerable to all that was, Iggy crossed his arms over his chest and toward his shoulders. He tottered to the couch and sat at Baine's side. They turned their faces toward one another, and stared for much longer than they had ever stared before. In the past it would have been inappropriate and unnerving, but now it seemed more necessary than ever.

A swarm of blood rushed through Iggy's entire body and he blushed pink. He closed his mouth and leant forward with his fingers gripping the cushion underneath him.

Baine could see that he was unwinding himself and opening up a little. "So," he began, "you're not still mad at me, are you, Little One?"

Iggy stiffened. He swallowed hard; his throat was so dry, and to have honestly answered may have sent him into a mean coughing fit. So, he shook his head in a lie to spare himself the trouble. He leant forward bending at his stomach with his forearms stacked up one on top of the other. The weight of his shoulders and head was heavy. So was his eyelids. He rubbed his eyes with the corner of his knuckles, then met Baine's gaze again.

Unexpectedly, Baine lifted his large burly arm and wrapped it around Iggy's shoulders, then sank him into his chest. He was warm and solid beneath a layer of slight softness. He squeezed him once more then released. "It's been so long since I gave a part of myself to someone," he confessed. An immense warmth spilled from him and he sighed with relief. "I was afraid of making a mistake. How do you feel?"

"Terrible." Iggy clenched his jaw. The grittiness, the sensitivity, and ache were still there. Even the muscles in his tongue hurt. Pain. "This is all your fault."

"It sure is," Baine sided with him, lacking concern in his tone. "I don't blame you for blaming me. I called the shots and I was the one who gave the virus to you. It's all true." Iggy's face crumpled around his eyes and he frowned, an expression of disgust and offense. Afraid that Iggy would start crying, Baine flashed his palms and quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, and I'm not sorry," he said. "I know that you're in a lot of pain, we all went through it, but as soon as your teeth are completely out, you'll be able to feed and feel great." Suddenly, a light bulb turned on inside of Baine's head nearly so bright it could be seen glowing through his eyeballs. "Speaking of…" He stared at Iggy's lips. "Let me see your mouth. Watching the teeth and hair grow out has always been my favorite part."

Iggy kept his eyes open and locked on him as he granted his request. Baine leant in close, drew his right thumb up to Iggy's mouth and touched the tips of his teeth. Iggy's eyes winced shut with discomfort. After Baine rattled each, Iggy pulled his head away and clamped a hand over his lips.

"As stupid as it sounds," Baine chuckled, "I love the freshly infected just as much as the next person. That's why I put you and Emi on lockdown until the two of you are ready to be viewed. Otherwise, everyone would be hovering over you until your freshness wears away… and that might be a long time. Years, in some cases."

Iggy wanted to speak clearly, but his lips mumbled, "where… is... she?"



"Emi?" Baine smiled. "She's in the feeding rooms, right now. She's been done changing for a while." He tilted his head and lifted an eyebrow. "By the way, it had only taken me one day, and Nansen just a bit longer than that, but you, on the other hand? You took more than two whole days. I bet you broke the record!"

Disregarding Baine's excitement, Iggy's head buckled forward and he swayed back and forth.

Baine shifted his smile to the side. "You're exhausted, already. It's normal to be extremely tired for many weeks after being turned. You'll end up sleeping more than twice as much as anyone else, so feel comfortable to sleep anywhere, Little One. I will protect you while you can't protect yourself."

Baine's hand gently pet Iggy's left cheek, but then became heavier as he pushed him further down onto his back. Iggy melted into the couch with his arms sinking into his chest. By the time Baine stood and lifted Iggy's legs up and rested them down on the cushion beside him, Iggy had already fallen asleep.