1. an entity has been re.made...

Once upon a time, there was a ROB he has to observe and catalogue all manner of people

in its time it observed another similar entity's doing the same except they did not observe him as such he got the bloody good idea of sending a mortal to another world to see what it would do

but before he searched for that mortal he observed one of the mortal writhings a story a self-insert and forth it funny to make it true...

Hi I am Manuel and it seems I am no longer home .....more exactly I don't believe I am still me

...in form but mind, I am still me somehow and I believe I am no longer home...I do not feel anything except my slime-like form end the strange energies inside me...


System calibration in progress ...

1% ....99%...100%

demonic soul assimilated ...unknown energy insatiable....genetic makeup activated ...genetics mimic zerg overmind from the memory of host...energies found analogues in host memory's...void/dream energy classifieds along with demonic and mana found in host memory's ....host form undetermined...."

M. so I got what I wrote I think...

S. yes host

M. and you are sentient?

S. I am no sentient I do not take damage from void energy.

M. ...so you are self-aware that will make things easier I hope.

S. Welcome to your new life as a chimaera of your dreams you have been blessed with.....

being the entertainment of a ROB good luck .

M. Rob like random overpowered being ?

S. affirmative and you got to select your new world

M. got it ...tell me from where did I get the demon soul?

S. strait from the abyss to be precise you got a copy of a demon king called OSIRUS the chaos demon without his will or memory's only his soul and system that I evolved from.

M. you evolve?

S. yes due to the energies you wanted are quite different from each other they haven't other choices than fuse with me to stabilise as such I am your energy manager/interface for you to make from skills to anything as long as too parameter are fulfilled.

M. and the parameter are?

S. Will and imagination, end to accumulate excess energy that is now radiating from your soul that gathers it automatically from the ether .

M. ok... so what worlds do we have access to?

S. all that is in your soul memory's from fiction to non-fiction....you may visit other worlds after mastering and or making portals of void infused demonic energy that is found in all universes.

M. Understand and can I select the time that I arrive inset world?

S. affirmative host .

M. ... then let's go to undertale

S.affirmative transfer to au of undertale to avoid disturbing the original timeliness.

M. a year before frisk falls into the underground .

S. Time frame locked location of portal emergence?

M. the bed of flowers were frisk falls before tories arrive to check it .

S. affirmative moment of emergence locked

start in 3.....2....1...0...

Good luck.