7.To the kings folly

And as we enter waterfall we met the snowed over the post of sans with no one there as we passed it we saw a waterfall with stones folding making a strangely natural trap that is rather easy to pass by and we entered the bushes we saw a lotus flower bridge that is unfortunately too small for me and Asriel but usable by chara , making me and Asriel activate my magic to freeze the water to walk on, as we passed by we saw a couple of bridges that are of no use for us as I ice the water and make a road, to reach the destination, and so we reached a long way made of wood, as we walked we got the feeling of being watched but we did not get attacked as we reached the crystalized food on the table, we met a royal guard in full plate armour with a speer, as we met face to face Undying started by chatting with us.

Undying: So finely we met, Papyrus tolled me about you and to keep an eye on you if anything happens, as such I was wondering which one of you is the strongest?

As Undying spoke about battle Asriel pointed at Manuel with a smile.

Manuel: You traitor, so where are we going to spare?

Undying: Good there is a nice flat area around here.

And as the three kids followed the Royal guard captain Undying, Manuel prepared until they arrived and started the fight Chara and Asriel seated themselves on the ground near the glowing mushrooms, as the two combatants started charging at each other, Undying throwing large amounts of spears and Manuel defending himself with his frosted over scarf or dogging them easily due to hers depth perception, blow for blow move by move we both continued this painful dance, and in the end I lost to the royal captain, nothing unexpected, me not using any of my deadly types of magic, only with the more mild attacks like turning the zone around me into a blizzard of ice and physical attacks aided by my scarf, I have ended up on the ground surrounded by many light speers.

After the spare, we continued the road to avoid the long walk thru the maze of water and trash I froze a water pool making a good way to the next zone to go by Undying's home we saw a phantom and some other monsters as we walked towards the dark maze that was no longer that dark by asking Chara to summon some Goblin flames to light the way so we bypassed the Tem village and got to the bridge and met an old monster ranting about the old times, as we ignored and passed him we reached the entrance to the hot land.

Asriel: from here there will be getting hot for a while.

Chara: guys there is a large neon sign.

Manuel: their luck, is it the post of Sans, why is there still snow on it?

As we passed the lava bridge we nocked on the LAB and met Alfies the royal scientist, and entered the lab a yellow lizard with a lab coat, with glasses, greeting us and taking a small break of chatting about anime and manga the time passed we four enjoyed it, afterwards we continued thru the maze of pipes and puzzles as we passed the core and reached the R1 elevatored we entered and Exited R2 from witch we walked and bypassed the puzzles to reach L2 that broth us to L3 and go by the mufet's shop and ended up doing the puzzles to open the gate to the next area to the MTT hotel.

As we passed thru the hotel we both some food and rested enjoying the time at the hotel after we rested we continued to the Core, but waiting for us there was Sans and Toriel to guide us thru the last part of the little journey doing the puzzles and chatting until we reached New Home, as we walked the similar but grey copy of the home in the ruins we arrived together and reached the judgement hall from where we would have arrived at the king's room if I didn't want to go to the crypt first to revive the inhabitants.

Manuel: Guys I will go to the crypt first, sans will you join me?

Sans: Shure kid, Toriel go ahead I will keep an eye socket on him.

Toriel: Don't make us wait too long ok, and take care.

As such we entered the coffin room i and Sys felt or sow the echo of the fallen humans,

as such I asked Sys, do I have the necessary demonic blood to revive them all?

Sys: Host has the necessary blood to revive the 6 of them if he awakened each of them 30 minutes apart to get used to their new body's.

Manuel: Sans can you help me open the sarcophagi to check the state of the bodies.

Sans: As long as you do not try to take over the underground with them.

Manuel: Can I at least make fun of the king?

Sans: Shure that is understandable.

And as sans says that he unlocks all the sarcophagi with a terminal next to the far wall, the corpses war at different states of decay, all of them will end up as skeletons anyways, as such, I froze everything except their bone and clothes, afterwards, I started the revival by blood giving away 75 health points each losing a total of 450 heath for a bit of time, as all of them woke up one by one they war dazed and shocked at their new appearance and surprise that there are more of them they realized who each other are by the ruins clothes each other wore calling to each other brother or friend, all ending up resting their eyes sockets on me.

Manuel: Greetings and welcome back to life or better un-life as you are all undead and you will need to learn how to talk and everything else, due to my actions here your core emotion that has broth you here has changed to something more similar to me until you can assimilate it and make it your own, until then we are going to spend time together to keep you new-formed soul stable.

After the announcement they all moved their gaze from me to Sans who is a bit nervous he waved at them and said.

Sans: Welcome to your new life as boneheads make like the dead walking and follow us.

As he said that some gave a chuckle and then rattled to their feet, fixing their clothes and followed them to the throne room where Asgore was on the ground being given a long and furies lection as he is surprized due to Asriel and Chara's appearance , and got even more shocked at the little army of skeletons who ware surrounding a new Dreamer with ice horns and neon tattoo's, and next to him sans waiving.

Manuel: So you're the so-called king Fluffy buns.

At this, all the children in the room rattled and giggled at the title of the undignified King who was thot a lecture by his former Queen.