10.Judgement and new goal accomplished.

POV Frisk

For as long as I remember I was shunt by all the people in my village due to my actions, as I was an orphan people did not correct me or help me understand as such I searched for ways to gain their attention but after failure, I got more and more depressed, in the time that I've spent time in the village I have heard of stories of people missing in the mountains, unexpectedly I felt a need to investigate them having nothing better to do anyways they will not miss me even if I disappear, after some hours of walking at the sunset I was too afraid to turn back as such I have found a cave was to spend the night when I went inside I have found a large bottomless hole, as I approached it I tripped on a root and fallen inside expecting a swift and painful death I closed my eyes and braced for impact, and as I hit the ground I expelled a groan as I heard someone say my name.

Manuel: and I thought that you will not arrive in time Frisk.

After what I said toriel and sans looked with puzzled eyes to her then to me, after feeling their eyes on me I said.

Manuel: Sans can you be a dear and judge the kid after I restrained them.

After which I spewed blue flames on Frisk changing their clothes to a black mummy full-body straight jacket with wight fur on the inside quite comfortable if I may say so myself.

Toriel: is that necessary they are only a kid.

Manuel : if I may be Frank I don't want to kill them but this is the safest way to capture them for both sides of the party so yes this is necessary and comfortable looking at them I may say they don't lock that sad to be in my fluffy mummy straight jacket, made to be comfortable and safe.

After my word's Sans started a battle with the kid and used his special move, kharmatic judgement dealing damage according to they're sins if they have, the graver the sin the more damage they take, Frisk showing no signs of taking damage from his bone attack he exists the battle and tels us.

Sans: the kid is clean, now what are you going to do with the fluffy Burrito?

Manuel: Now we move them to my home and ask them some question and information about the sources after which they can stay with me here if they want because they will get hunted if seen by the royal guards and probably killed for their soul and bring grave danger to us unintentionally of chorus.

Frisk hearing this they stopped they're struggling from the fluff prison and got carried like a princess on the shoulder of a barbarian to my home locking impressed by the architecture of the former ruins seeing no other monster than me, Toriel and Sans, due to me making sure that no one can stop me from remodelling the hole ruins by getting them out of it first no exception giving them the tools to pass the snowdin I started the remodelling in peace well until you know.

As we arrived at my home I placed them on a coach and placed myself and the other on the other one straight in front of the first one.

Toriel: Child can you tell us your name?

Frisk: He knows it already but I will tell you my full name, Frisk G. Fate it is.

Manuel: My full name is Manuel Osirus Dremur, and she is Toriel Dremur next to her is W.D. Sans the living skeleton and they are full monsters, but I am a half-monster and half other many things, but let's clear the elephant in the room shall we, way is the reason of you're arriving at the underground were seven of your kind died due to unpleasant circumstances.

Frisk hearing this pondered a bit before answering.

Frisk: will you not laugh if I tell you?

Toriel: of course we will not laugh at your answer deary.

Frisk: Ok I heard the rumours of people disappearing in the mountains and got curious about it and searched the base of the mountains and by nightfall I found a cave to pass the night but inside it was a huge bottomless hole and due to my negligence when I went closer to investigate it I tripped on something, from there you know what happened.

After she ended the little story of her arrival in the underground I decided that they are no threat.

Manuel: ok Frisk before we continue the questioning I will untie your hand restraints so we can have some snacks ok.

As toriel hears this she asked me where I have moved the chichen and told her to go where she usually goes when she brings snacks for us when we trained here, afterwards frisk tasted the sweets she got very cooperative with the rest of the questions finding that close to the mountains there are some villages and the technology of the human have reached the era of car's guns and TV, making me adjust the plans from conquest to cohabitation and peace if that fails we all wise can go world domination if the occasion arrives. after which I untied frisk from her straight jacket and asked her if she wanted something similar but with no restrictions to wearing, and getting the go-ahead she got startled when I ignited a blue fire on my hand and covered her modifying the jacket into a full fluffy sweater with a t-shirt and long-short pants with fluffy patting on the inside and outside, remembering her size I made her some fluffy pyjamas and casual clothes to be comfortable around my home.

After some time Toriel Sans and Papyrus with Asriel , Chara and the 6 skeleton that go by the name of Bobby Robby Toby Ana Clara and Dana all wearing similar colored clothes to they're soul's from wen they were human , the kids met me and got interested by Frisk with they got quickly aqueinted and befriended, after which they played until they all got bone tired after which they slept like the dead in the guest room with Papyrus due to the games they have played together he got the most tiered of them all , Sans Toriel and me chatting about the future me declaring that I will change the sand pit rome to make a stare way to the barrier wall then constructing a platform sustained by peelers fixed into the walls for stability i started making a portal frame out of the most durable alloy that I have made with the help of Sys in my attempt of replicating mithril and adamantite but got a very conductive alloy that I coled demiron from its resilient to magic i figured that I can make a opening in the barrier and not destabilise it , after i made the frame out of demiron I placed it to the barrier and pushed it in it with force adding frost demonic energy to make a rift for the frame to fill and conduct the energy thru it keaping the magic circulating and at bay afterwards I have placed some runes with the instructions of Sans and Alfies to keap the alloy from melting and collapsing upon itself , after some tests the procedure was successful and we were able to exit the underground, due to my demonic energy not beaing from this world helped with this endeavor told me Alfies, after the stabilisation of the portal we came outside after a few month of working on this project we saw the stars and moon making the monsters surprised and happy knowing that the barrier has become they're shield towards the surface if it is required.