20.and so on I am going about

After a few days of training, I opened a gate toward the anty-void where a black skeleton dressed in blue and dark colours stayed holding his head like a mad man I saw glitches surround him engulfing him I observed him with my soul sight and found out that he didn't have any, he managed to see me, he just stared at me and after some time he spoke with a glitchy voice as that happened I responded we began a chat questioning whether and what not and so we ended up to speak about own family he got curious about his self, I told his story omitting that he is now married, he got happy that at least one of himself's as time passed by I told him of the world's that I have visited and helped in time he got the idea of visiting different worlds I told him that different versions of himself are pure evil and he promised me the Osirus of uniquetale I gave him some gifts and left him by opening a gate he saw and was able to partially analyse it giving him the potential to visit alternative universes, i entered it and saw a humanoid with monkey tale training with a short kid bold and angry, the old man that was teaching them as I emerged from that portal, I got looked at by them I waved and started walking until I realised who I was looking at, I wanted for a few moment then turned to them and said.

Manual: Hello there can you tell me what is that kid doing on this planet?

Old man: He is my pupil alongside chrilan and what do you mean by this planet?

Manual: I mean he's species is dreadfully dangerous with a world that holds a moon.

Old Man: I already have taken care of that problem.

Manuel: Kakarot do you want to fight with me?

Goku: Shore but my name is Goku and not Kakarot.

After he said that he charged at me, but I dodged he moved like in slow motion but faster than any ordinary human, he used his technic and brute force but my speed gave me the advantage, after a minute or so I retaliated and gave him a relatively strong hit knocking him out and spewing a small bit of blood that I gathered at fast speeds, he may not be a problem now but in the future, he will be trouble if not defended, I then told Yoshi that if he wants him to grow faster he only needs to get hurt badly but not fatally and then healed up, to get stronger to prepare for future threats to this universe if his hart is pure enough his Golden power will be capable to awaken, besides he should learn to control his larger form induced by the moon I need to visit a southern green skin and black guardian don't worn him he already knows of me I can fell you kamy, as I said that I opened a portal to my hex and broth a living transport ship shaped like a manta ray I flew on it's back and arrived at the lookout after few hours mister popo and kamy saw my arrival and got surprised due to the energy I contained four energies that conflict constantly but somehow never react in any volatile way a creature of chos and massive power and I said.

Manual: Greetings median and you brother of eternity I am here for the dragon balls hurry up let me use them if you don't want me to eliminate them from this world permanently.

Kamy: R-right this way sir.

Popo stood at attention unmoving, as I got my hands on them I pulled a please of parchment and a pen, I wrote the following wishes: Whenever a Sayan or any long-lived species get married to any shorter-lived species they mate with the lower life span will become a pureblood of the longer-lived species, while holding a resemblance and unique aspects of the original species they ware before, the individual that wrote this will obtain the ability to unlock the potential of others, teleport individual Manuel to individual Frieza.

after I accepted the balls, I told it to make the writing on the parchment true, to the sock of the namekian I was no longer there, I found myself on a frozen planet and in front of me a purple and weight lizard taled individual was looking at me with surprise but no shock as we looked at each other he said.

Frieza: I didn't expect any company today, to whom can I make the acquaintance?

Manuel: Well this started better than I anticipated, anyway my name is Hex Osirus and I came here to meet one of the strongest species in this universe, well except the legends that dictate the death of all saysns there are still some that will save this universe from its predetermined fate to be obliterated by Zeno that slothful overgood, well before you go on and get all those planets to the bigger buyer make sure to eliminate any dead planet with no life and do make some planets to cultivate ki to raze the power of this universe so you can please that lazy cat next time you visit him or the reverse get him some food from earth it has very good cooks, and if you think that it is not protected i left a present to Berus with the best food that the world has to offer, the angel my enjoy it but make sure to not mess with my vacation home ok.

Frieza: Ok that is a lot of information, and how do you know of that God of destruction and his preferences, and last no one tells me what to do.

before he was able co continue a pressure similar to berus smashed him to the ground and I spoke.

Manuel : Shore shorty you may be the strongest mortal of this universe but there are other universes so due make like the mortal you are and listen to your betters, I made a friend on that planet you left him off that vegita planet you distroid on his orders, if he's dead or harmed in any way shape or form except the battles he need to get stronger after he gets at the age when he gets his son send Radits Vegita and Nappa to fight him and trane together they will become the hope of this universe, as things go they should get human waives and their children should fix the problems with their species also get yourself a wife you need the stress release of getting pampered by someone who will turn into your species after she gets pregnant with your seed, I changed this world a bit if you get a wife of a lower lifespan than yourself she will become a pureblood frost demon but with her heritage intact, even evil needs company trust me, my wife to be is a decile of death herself, enjoy your life and don't worry about the supersayan if you don't provoke them to much they will not rage out into it bye frosty don't think I will not keep a eye on you .