35.Hunting and knowledge

I went to Skyrim got some dragons for dinner meeting some wizards and exchanging knowledge I went on to another dragon probe world filled with many creatures of different elemental alignments I got many genetics samples from many bacugan and made my own I went and made one in my image defeating many of them enjoying my fights and many more after that I went to gather some other reliks a pyramid with a yey necklace for last getting some old Egyptian summoning powers I kept some of the minds looked in this thing for experiments after some time I went to Cybertron changing my appearance and infiltration of the whole planet was easier when you're a living biomechanical virus with enough energy to recreate it after I overtook all the Cybertron I went after the stragglers, Megatron and Optimus attempted to stop me but al they did was to get converted into my loyal servants after I gave them some upgrades with a bit of time I located the dark energy or spark and ate it to convert it completely to my power it took me some time but i assimilated the whole Cybertron and the slumbering body i fused the too together and made a giant meck worship of the size of to planet erth in mass and size after that i sent it to my warld and introduced the cibertronians as the new defending forse of the universe at least the havy division that is , i spent some yers to intagrate the ne inhabitants with the old i made a digital conetion to my copy that keeps an aye on things here i then enterd the naruto world , captured all the taled beasts the unique geenes got some usefull individual and sent them all to my home world to get studied and integrated the chacra got a usefull caracteristics i infused it into the star to infuse it in the hole universe in mather of yers the tale beast got Hex hosts and enjoyed theyre new life as guardians inhereted from hoast to the next hoast if the first one wants to change its body, due to all hex beeing mentality imortal beeing conected to me only the ocasional body swiching to keep in peek performance and if they want true death they join the overmind and get clensed and randomly sent to a new body i spent some time with some of the new arivels modifing them some wath to have the benefits of hex immortality if they dont mind the body swiching , i then enters a hell of a place and started a hunt for some caracters , for reserch purposes like the hibrid necromorps , predators and others nice lerning material , my hex keept growing fisicaly becoming efficient in so many ways the mind population fo them beeing a nice trilion or more but the bodyes exided that number by few hundreds per each mind , i went and got some protos in the starcraft universe more exacly Alerack and his kin they didnt put up to much of a rezitence after they got Hexed by me they enjoyed the unity yet autonomy that they had they enjoyed hunting any invadors and torturing them for theyr gods and teck level  and bio enjeniering  , after some time to help my Hex hive mind i went and  came gathering intresting stuff all over the universes that i visited before and wen i felt redy i went to meet the o5 council of a unique universe i was a atempt to stop me by some god like entety they got eaten due to theyr evil and unplesent divinityes i helpt the god side i gatherd the anomalies cattalogued them from all of theyre universe eating the usefull ones and asimilating all theyr strange abilities at least the ones that i wanted after some time i started to seal all the rifts to this world exept the one that leeads to my world we made contact with the inhabitants of the planet i took plasure as the scp fundstion atempted to stop us we made ties with this warld protected it and advanced it  as a colony of the Hex that used theyr human forms they enjoyed the peek in the past and some time later i went home and rested in a planet for a wile fiusing with thise thing took a bit out of me i lerned how to use my new capabilities and so on resting for some more time .