38.Meting the one similar to myself.

After I arrived home and resting for a bit so that any lingering effects of the now devoured titan that was supposed to guard that universe the flames that became part of me never going out they kept the altering ability the only downside of having them is the potential of subconscious use of them like changing o2 to helium or other dangerous forms depending on my emotions I took time to get used to them no matter what shape I take they always are around the same area from any beastlike formes I designed for my enjoyment in any type of hunts that I went on to the portal opened and I enterd there ware many Mc characters from different universes and so on from the weakest to Saitama levels of strength I was in the arena while they ware watching me I not seeing any undertale related  characters at least at the first glance, they talked to each other due to my unique appearance that being a seven-foot goat like a male with white fluffy fur covered with tattoos if it did not get covered by my black and fluffy version of Alucard's straight jacket coverd by tattos and eldrige runes of my own make and breed ,the blue flames ware as always there, some ware underestimaiting me others recognised my aparence but the moast ware curios to see the level of power i aquierd as this new beeing , the mejuring entatie was the flame dude from the movie thor that purged asgar or so , i killed it suprisingly fast the next exponentially stronger it turned purple and it follen to the ground dead and a see of purple enterd my mouth , the audience was surprised, then the next one came he got his head choped of the next crushed and so on one ability per enemy evry time it changeing the form of killing surprised them and my last one was squished by my complete form i got equeled by the next one hitting my limit for now , i crushed some records by the shoked look on theyre faces , the second strongest greeted me along with saitama and i became the third strongest i never used my full eldrige prowes i made some gifts/trackers to all the individuals with a similar circumstances with me i made a copy of miself to wach any new arivels i opend my own portal and enterd a new world i saw walls and felt the aura of a titan the giant naked kind with no actual reproductive organs i started by spreding my viral form all over the world and started by cleaning the gene pull of this world from the outside influence giving the humans the threeths of the titans null and void i asimilated the essence and ganed a separate form my full form , a giant fluffy titan with my goat shape i turned to my full forn then triggerd my titan form increasing even more in size with my extra limbs a bigger then life size suprised the inhabitants of this world of former titans i delited all traces and knolege of the titan serum and knolege to not allow any more ritans then i returned to my original form and went home to rest for some time .

And then a gaster shows up in front of me more exact xgaster he attended to gain my soul and power to get eaten from his insides and I gained my new ability overwrite that got slowed by other similar abilities and evolved in domination allowing me to do everything a normal overwrite amplified to the extreme with a radius of a Jupiter if I was inside its core I immediately limited its range to a few kilometres to not overuse it, after some practice, I opened the dudlesfere and made a safeguard for them and I expanded the dimension without inks interference, getting an error here was easy I marked the ones that are fate bound and the not required for a stable and good doodleverse I spent some time and made ink some friends and a substitute to a soul a parasite like an entry that gave him the emotional range of a normal soul even if it's destroyed he will not die but he mite get addicted by it, as time went on I went to my base form and started visiting other sans and papyrus ending with the error verse and capturing evri last one of them to just meet error sans after that i left them go waile they met time to time , i went home afterwords by the way i helped the horrortale with the barier to just give a hex to monitore the situation afterwords .