48.War Word and Warp shenanigans.

After the building of my army, I started to gather all the planets dismantling them and I synthesized a monolithic planet with my power I made barriers to keep the zones from each other, the see ware a mix of all of them I made the to pols from cold planets and the others more tempered in the middle ring, the wildlife kept to their original zones while some apex predators went to other zones to increase their power and keep growing so when the army was sent to conquer it and so grow more and more in power, I added tunnels and pockets of livable zones that got taken over first the core of the planet was an agglomeration of all of them in complete harmony giving different gravity zones to the planet, I fused all the suns and made it circle the planet after stabilizing it with my flames and gave it a face and so on the moon was well half the size of the sun with a livable atmosphere that was mixed  some lifeforms ware placed there too for use  in the conquest and so on I sent some people from the starcraft universe to give a kick and increase the potential and eficiency , after that i gave Cronoa liberty to fix the poerals to the other dimensions inside myself a permanent portal of all and if any faction completely take over the monalithic planet i will release my virus and make them my soldiers, i spent some time enjoying the war and defining my warp influence and astral form that i unified with my body giving advantages and disadvantages if i didn't make a secundary lear to protect my core soul and due tu the union my outer and inner parts can regenerate at a very hay degre and any coruption that i dont nuthure personally will just get eaten and integreated within my body , due to the emotions i took to embody started afecting my mindset but i didn't change but the outer shell started changing colors to show the emotions that i feed apon and master , wenever i found a soul compatible with me i started to turn them into my warp demons as the order god told me they are classified, as such i named them Hocoraav's due to the mix of emotions the rage hope greed and compasion i got my domain methodical-control hope mixed with compasion to gently manipulate people and bring them to my side , waile rage and greed allowed me to direct them to any goal i desier , the gread and hope made them wishfull for something dependig wath i wanted , greed and compasion made them desier similar peasful ideals or beter sed fulish ones , waile rage and hope made them like mad belivers finding heretics and i am theyr god figure , as rage and compasion made anybody go insane and target evribody exept me , the things went on i masterd the special abilities so on and completely controled them to mix even those aspects , after that i found Cronoa next to me mediteiting along side me , and her aspects fused similar to my own but her aspect was suprisingly cheotic-control a aspect of control like mine so  we cooperated and made some combos then i mixed my warp control with the other similar skills like overight and so on , during the time spent in my iner poket universe treining and enjoyng my time with Cronoa we prepared a new gate a special one with a large abount of warp influence, we exited the gate in a space full of chaos energy and four citadels with four gods that took notice of me and my partner , they met us all of them the same time , Zinch the bringer of change , Korn the battle maniac, Slanneshof exces and lust ,Nergle the bringer of plegues and stagnation , me the chaos desiple of the god of order and Cronoa my partner , they felt my power was not limited to the warp and my essence started to control methodologicaly and made a nice home away from home , waile Cronoa made herself at home with special things that wood make mortals go insane with many  emotions but in the end making them her demons as they kept theyr minds and desiers , they ware suprised due to this chaotic place became compleate order under me but under her control the place was decorated with many chaotic wepons and tools that emaneated controled chaos , wen korn saw ower casual actions went in rage and atempted to make us bleed but the second his ultimate wepon tuched any of us to he just went puff and a normal human was were he stood with a normal body with all his memories , next was zinch ho started and atempted to manipulate us but she toc care of him by plasing a net that made his body so slow it made him fell agony of stagnation , next was slannesh who atempted to seduse us i made a few tuls that wood prevent him from any excesive behaivior , and nurgle he didnt do nothing he started a nice conversation and after some complains due to the new beings who came and made change and will posibly increas change overall this universe and so on after they calmed down i released them from theyr punishments they apologized after a meating with my silver bat and so we lerned of theyr duings i spent some time with nergal and Cronoa spent time with Zinch and Slannesh lerning from both as such we grew even stronger due to theyr knolege and expirience due to theyr long life , i advanced my viral form to a nother level as nurgle ganed knolege of benevolent viruses and other things , waile Cronoa became more scheaming and expirience in lust and so on , we went to ower home far from home and went resting as my and hers demons spred ower sigils and gifts.