52.In the dream world with her.

I "woke" in an endless plane of darkness next to me Cronoa we started walking and hit a barrier, then the world changed like a canal on an old tv we saw humanoid being shadow-like and a clearly defined woman interacting with them after a few minutes of observation Cronoa went and interested her by unsafe for work means due remember that she is practically a tentacle master capable of during surgery of crushing worlds like eggs the view was interesting I analyses the shadow people and found them being indirect manifestations of other humanoids sentient enough to think, I was interested when this world turned black after Cronoa finished her playful interrogation it seems she got too much of a stimulus and woke up, she got out of her the name and where she was before she went to sleep, we then walked from dream to dream and met many humanoids this place has no limits between universes, multiverses and so on, I met the clones I left after assimilation of my selves living the original safe to keep the my existence safe I also filled the world from we're I came from with intangible safety precautions well until my blood line died out, mailing shore of my conception was easy compared to the idiots that attempted to race me from existence by not letting my parents meet and yada yada they shood have never been this dearing to think that I will not safeguard my point of origin, anyway we enjoyed seeing other dream walkers they ware "awake" like us too after some exchange of ideas and information I found my dream land and reforged it , before I was wake wen I was asleep i just rested and didn't focus but this time I took interest in this stare of being, and if anybody wood mess with my sleaping form they wood get a rude awakening, I am in my most indestructible form by default, the undamaageble fluffy and extremely cute child sized compared to my base form and I in chanted my fluffy fur to be inrezistable to anybody who fells or looks at it meiking them want to protect me at all costs, Cronoa is the exception she always is in contact with it and somehow ganed some kind of immunity, it baffled me but her explanation was even more , after I made myself a permanent dream palace

we then opened a portal to a world, earth but the one formally owned by pink diamante and emerged on a beach we saw a large broken statue and a wood house a kid was waving his shield around the pink colouration was expected as well the female looking projections of the crystal core that each of them had, I made sure to change my appearance alongside Cronoa's with shapeshifting and magic respectively we waved at them and asked for a true of beach city, the guardian's cane along and Garnet was sweating bricks after she saw me the true went well until a corrupted gem came along and got puffed by a single gesture of mine then it started glowing once more but what cane out was a perfect gem on an undetermined cast by their knowledge, the new gem took a dark spectrum of colours, it then bowed and said some stuff I then reprogramed her once more and this time I infused some void energy as such the crustal core sprouted and made a more complex and resilient version of it's former self, after that we changed back to ower base forms pearl and Amethist wre surprised but did nothing due to the former corupted gem , now happy and serving under me her form was humanoid simetric and well dresed, Stiven was surprised and we talked i told him of many things he needed to know and as such he grew in mental age but kept his views of the world relatively the same we enjoyed some time as I made a meal I asked the gems for a spar but with their strongest fusion excluding Stiven he saw us fight

me in my titan form and her with all those weapons after a few minutes she destabilised and we returned took a break and after some fun in this universe got the code of all four Diamante's slowing me to get my own if needed then we went home and took a nice long rest.