We woke up and saw a strange blue-skinned male on a cloud-like bed flowing around us next to him was a cloud that was holding ower dream memories how I knew it was ower well I am a dream walker and can remember them but I never saw this individual he was wearing wight pyjamas with gold lining and on the cloud, there was a folded piece of parchment I took it and it was written on it the following words.
Greetings I am a god of slumber I have been sent here to be your dream collector due to your way of getting a divinity allows you to dream but due to your connection to the void your dreams are as dangerous as your strongest attack and as such I COH am here I will be here sleeping at all times with my pseudo-body-cloud writhing letters if required to talk with you, I hope we will get along, you will find me here until I am no longer capable to keep your dreams as dreams and not that world warping mess they were.
After I read the message I looked at the blue man who was sleeping at all time of the day and night to never willingly wake up Cronoa was curios and inspected the blue man with her tentacles and hands he had the body type of a swimmer with low levels of fat his face was average was what she told me after giving him a full body massage felling and inspecting all his nooks and crannies his body didn't react but the clouds moved around him showing his emotions and thoughts and at the end, the clouds ware heart-shaped as but they returned to supporting his limp and unresponsive body, after that, we started the day by eating getting a change of clothes and such then I got the food we are going to eat well around a few tons of each ingredient that we found to go well in a meal as usual then we went to the portal room where we fixed the room to be impenetrable from any other than my magic and unique energy signature other than the designated teleportation rooms transport by portals and other un-authorised portal and such gets cattalogued and inspected before captured and interogated and delt as required , we enterd the portal end exite on the other side , and that side was grey ish we saw some inhabitants and changed as required to not rase to much of a problem then we walked and saw different things from bulet's fling around some individuals killing hundread of enemies we met some and gifted some "blessed" gear like guns bleades and armor and so on the "good" guys visited us at the shop-stand we made then they proseaded to atempt and get "free" items the moment they realised that thay cant even buge a item from the places i placed them in then Cronoa giggled at the weakness of this idiotic minions , yes the main chaos bringer's the god like one and the pure evil one we met them a few hours after we enterd this world they ware fighting with others not even giving a glance towords us we saw many battles a clown like individual wealding a stop sign he foth killed got killed and revived into a zombie like form , Jn e wore a mask then after some more battles he became a skull with too claws conected by wight fleames , after thath he got absorbed into a chas bringer the evil one and took control for some time then he got expeled then i colected his body and reforged it into a hex i enjoyed the brand of chaos he was spreding as such i made him my brand of imortal by giving him confetti like logia ability so he can survive with a greater ease he was happy after he got his gift he started a party then i gave him his new anomalui-stop-sign with a thor like enchantment so he can coll on it from evriwere as the others were alwredy equiped with the new gear we produce this shood balance the things he waved us goodbye and went his way to party , slother and so on i enjoyed the madness combat world then we went on a rampage only using a cuple wepons alongside a ability or tow so we can enjoy the madness of this warld after a few days of constant combat we met up and prepered a feast iviting the dominant caracters for a breake we all enjoyed the neal no thing else happend and after a few howers we split up and went ower ways , i and Cronoa went home , took a long shower and prepered for sleap the blue skinned man was there resting as well.