78. A fool's errand.


We woke up saw the blu man with a ticket on his cloud we wired it and learned that someone with an overpowered ability and to prepare due to him arriving in a few days after I learned of this I sent a mental message to my overmind-self he became big as a planet but I folded the space around him and gave him a metallic body the toughest body ever the opposite of mine that is very easy to crumble but can rebuild itself at the speed that makes it look like it's passing through a light construct they call that a hologram and such if the damage is with a solid weapon but when  any energy that is used to damage me in any way shape or form will be absorbed dismantled and reassembled as fast as the attack hits me using the attack energy to charge my own body this is the reason I never doge any energy attacks I found out  that I don't need to feed drink and do other gods or mortals to survive  the divinity that was made under my master feeds on my connection to the void and the other obtaned by the folowers i have in the inner and outer universes the powers they gave me were quite conected to them as they see me i was omipresent in theyr life due to my overmind self helping and guiding as neaded wenever enemies invade or moral choices are required so that they may not degenerate to insanity and so on i was kind helpful strict dowting and some other stuff i enjoyed playing with the worst of the worst as theyr bodys acted like normal , in the time we sleapt my hex integrated with all the lifeforms geting myself a conection to theyr memories and souls so i can fix theyr body as theyr genetical code was saved as a soul imprint that i made for all my hex some of them had multiple imprint's as theyr favorite forms they usually take and wenever they desier true death they call for my dother death the godes that formed wen i stole the tre holows from herry poter universe and after a check for all the systems for my peoples safety that took me a hower or so due to me temporary conected and amplifyed his power for the duration then i placed him in the furnes then i reinforced it so that wenever a enemy enters the deaps of flames on one side they will exit on the other side without reaching the core zone were we all live and enjoy ower lifes in there is no king in ower phanteon the hex of worship equally all the gods depending on the type of hex they usually help and guide as time went on and after few more hours we saw a ship coming ower way , we saw it stop near the furnes and it opend up as a man exited it he was fully dressed in a full plate armor of golden-red with other colors then he started to monolog as i was in front of the Furnes in my base form he pointed his wepon towords me as he started sayng of a profesy of the grate evil that overtook a universe and broth ruin and death as he spread his corruption and bullcrap like that he went on for howers sayng of my quote on quote evil, wreched, and horible acts bla bla bla uh he was worse then aquaman with his speaches at least i was capable to completely cover him ,his ship and minions as he ended up his speach he started and got in a stance i did not he waited for me but after a few minutes he showted towords me to prepare and ended up charging me as i wayted for him and as he hit ne with the blade a red substance coverd him and me he started screaming in agony as he saw me melt as well but i didn't scream or anything relly after a few minutes of screaming wimpering ands so he seased to move i saw him twich then the other people on the ship showed up one girl took her staff and poked the wood be hero as the others stood next to her so that i wood not hurt theyr quasi dead hero or them she moved her staff and healed the idiotic swordsman he jumped like he didnt get hit by a very deadly red acid the idiot punched me next and wen he did his fist pirced thrue me and as such his hand melted away he was holding to his stump as he moved around like a idiot he was surveiled by his frends the girl from before looked at me with a apologetic face wen he stopt agen he used a long range attack it teasted like strawberries and ciocolate the shoked look on theyr faces made it worth it just to use my unique biological capabilities after they got to themselfes i opend a gate and they dicepeared in my inner world i split them up in each black zones to see if they somehow survive and if they do i will just send my unkileble avatar after them the girl that was apologeticle alongsied any good people were sent to the green to yellow zones after a few days i saw some people die from that groop and some became part of the difrent community , after that i didnt ever need to gather them all and revived laighter on after that we have prepared then we sleaped for a time to forget my incounter with the fool.