A purple person woke us up he was very well armoured he had a couple of soul within him one of each type and a good feel all the energies I broth to this universe within him and he was wielding a double-bladed heavy sword it looked more like a blender well by waking me up I mean he attacked me with his sword? swords? It does not matter, really the moment he hit me I heard screams of agony from him and yes I am using my partner as a comfortable cover the bat was imitating the texture and softness of my fur she enjoyed my smaller form as such she some times joins us on naps after she fulfils her craving for causing pain to the wretched who get captured in the dungeons beneath my home the moment they found out that under the Furness is an automatic dungeon-prison most sentient species sent the evilest and unredeemable individuals there for the silver demon to punish and fix quote on quote most of them usually become servants under gods and used as disposable pons or to satisfy some kind of need they require some of the scientist's hex give them a second chance with powers if they participate willingly in their experiments, yes they get free yea free to die in the SCP planet as feed or other fates worse then death depending on their crime and yes I am aware of the mad titan screaming in agony in front of me he woke up all of us the next moment he found himself bound to a wall with fluffy tentacles around him restraning evrithing he had from powers to tools leaving him as mortal as any other former hex citisan of mi universe he had some kids with a cuple hex they are such good kids they sometimes visit us alongside theyr brothers and sisters from other demigod level beeings in this universe as to get themselfes a teacher so they may some day ascend to the next level of theyr existance Thanos did atempt to corupt them but the moment they were born they got conected to the others evribody who is hex is conected from the first day of theyr life then thoth proper independence and knolege they seem intrested in as theyr first gift to give them a good start ,well he stoped screaming but he was glering at me now he was with long wight hear his fisicle strenght mite be beter then hulk but he is forgething something very important brute force dose not worck on me due to a quirk that takes any fisicle damage and transforms it into energy to reinforce me but i directed that energy into my furness as such no fisicle attack or any otherworks on me the least it dose is to power my scelestial body the star inside me has a infinite ever expanding universe in it as my power is in the core star that iluminates the pachworck world the sun like star expands with no end but due to aome spacial field around it it looks like it is never changing in size and the only way to see its majestic size wood be to tuch it that beeing the highest level of stupidity that any living unliving or energy base lifeform wood do due to the void energy it is cover in the moment someone tuches it they will a go insane b asimilate some of its power and explode c blow up or d all the above of corse all the above there is enoth energy there to abliterate a cuple universes with ease i kept my own power in that place so nowan individual may atenot to go after it and due to the moon and planet orbiting it there is constant wach over it by the gods that took residence there keeping each other from geting near to my power and as such keeping it safe now to the purple man that is now sweating bulets literaly purple titanium bulets due to me cursing him the bulets as they have folen down got sent into a clip conected to other clips and wenever there are no more bulets in those clips he will swet more bulets and yes i gave him a healing factor due to the bulet hols that were forming from each swet canals he has then i teleported him into the prison and started to fix wathever he did before he came here i am not idioticle enoth to belive he did not do anithing in case he was captured and such then i teleported him in the midle of the Furness in a wite room were he cood not fell anything but the pain of the bulet swet compleate isolation of all his sences except pain i will keep there for a few days or maybe months then we prepared and opend a portal as we exited it we saw some of the marvel deiety'deiety's on the other side they were the originals as we took a marcel alternative universe theyr avatars were broth with the universe and now reside in the pachworck world sometimes they talk with me and some just do theyr stuff the fionix bringing life to the lifeless zones galactus leading his minions to bring distruction and salvation and so on they said something lice one day theyr originals will want to check on theyr avatars and so on i opend the gate to the inner world and theyr conection was now cristal clear they spent some time in the inner world as i visited other mad titans to kick them in the moment they sleep once i reached the number of a few bilion i prepared to go back as such they neaded to separate once more and then we returned home and continued ower nap, with grate power come greate responsibly and create ways to get revenge.