We woke up got a shower then ate and prepared then we enterd the portal and we emerged in a forest and we saw cryptids fighting some black ops guys fighting some tree people as a red tall yellow-eyed tall humanoid he alongside some other humanoid's a windigo female from its voice and a comodo like dragon humanoid they saw us emerge from the portal the only one who saw us was a wich with five heads four as a necklace she was fighting with the windigo we saw the plant people getting destroyed by the black ops and the too cryptids we then intervened first Cronoa spread her tentacles around and speared all the tree people then he dangled all of them from their tips during this the red one was surprised alongside the lizard man then I captured the wich and they all gatherd around us the black ops guys were talking as I took the extra heads fixed her body to a normal state then I enterd her mind and fixed her mindset and also keeping the powers with less umph to them as they will now grow slowly and steady then i wached the red guy stop loking from her to me he asked me of what am i and stuff after a few minutes and a threat from the red guy to the black ops the father huged his dother we walked to a house nearby we talked for a bit then i asked them if they want a human form and they dis want one i levitated them then started to spin them like a tornado and before i stoped theyr spin i places a bracelet on theyr right rist the human form was similar to theyr true form and wenever they want to turn back and forth they need just to think of the other form then we talked and so on i modified the windigo by giving her the secundary organs of a femeale as i gave the primary organ of a male to Bron then we checked on other criptids we colected intresting genes and we opend a new portal Cronoa spent time with Bron the windigo and the others as i returned we prepared and went thrue a new portal we were inower human for as teenagers we exited the portal in a forest we walked and arived at a camp the cristal lake camp to be precised then we met a large man with a hoky mask on his face he was talking in sings i hated this as such i placed my hand on his neck as i fixed it and i told him to speack he stoped for a moment then he atempted to do so he managed to speack in a very raspy voice but there was a nice beratone one his mother came towords us i felt her malice and hatrede of the people bulied her son we were quite unexpected and wen she her her shy boy speack she was very happy at this turn of events she talked with us we enjoyed the talk and asked for places here as helpers to this camp we spent time with the man we took care that no deaths happen here after some time jayson got himself a similar individual to himself as a girlfrend and helper she had a bic like mouth and her legs and hads had scaels like that of a bird alongside sharp but short neals we enjoyed ower time ther then after a few yers there his mother died of old age he was hart broken but kept managing the camp with his now wife we called for him in ower room then we returned to ower true forms and told him alongside his wife that ower time to leave has come he was suprised he gave us a hug as a goodbye gift and we gifted him and his wife some bracelets with the power to guard them and theyr descendents after that we opend the portal and left we enjoyed the time spent at the cristal lake and yes we did leave some water nymphs so the lake may persist and to wach over the too people we liked there as we returned some gods welcomed us then we ate together after that a nice shower then back to sleaping during ower stay there there wore some things tried to take over some of ower people but all the safeguards made the intruder regreat that he was ever been created .