We woke up dressed then ate and finally finished the preparations and we entered the door and we exited at a gathering of people we saw a huge computer that was supposed to answer the ultimate question but gave just the number 42 I and Cronoa burst out laughing getting the attention of all the humanoids then their leaders asked who and what ar us too io told them I am a god of evolution and Cronoa said she was the partner of my esteemed self and an Enderdemon of the strongest calibre and a demigoddess of the hole they were quite surprised at what we told them then we went thru a gate and arrived at a ship we were permitted entrance by a big-headed robot with a gun he waved it so we can enter I and cronoa started a conversation with him fitting of his intellect he was surprised since no one dis that with him we saw a guy with three hands we talked and made a deal we go with them I give them things we got an acceptable deal after some time too people joined us we spent most of ower time with Marvin keeping him and us intertaned due to the knolege we knew and lerning of many things he was programed to know wen we arived at the house were was surounded by some ugly un-evolved idiots of the largest order i first analised theyr genom that took not even a namosecond due to theyr evolutive path beeing equal to homo habilis i truly detest them they stoped at that point and nothing more i first grabed theym and then my claws grew and i started a massacre the humanoids saw me my face becoming a marble wight plate with seven eyes aranged too like normal ones tow under them and tree over them with one between my eyebrows wood be each eye was with difrent colors and bellow the eyes were my mouth was the smuth plate slowly cracked showing a fanged mouth wenever my mouth was closed it became unnoticeable leaving only my eyes aparent from the smuth marble plate my fur was covering me completely alongside my tatoos my muccles were like adamantite waiers under the wight fluff my pants were made into shorts and i kept killing this abominations in as many horrable way as posible after i was do e with this bunch i started sumonig each and evry adult of theyr species killing each and evry one of them at the end of this i returned them to erth after that i sumoned all the children and teens of theyr species i then started a mass evolution and they ended up on a similar evolution level as homo sapiens they looked beter similar to ork's yet smarter then i sent them to rebuild theyr dumb society and all i then returned as i slowly lived my form for my base one as they got used to that one more then this one huh only partialy the compleate anger i felt for those, those ugly ugly things now beter and on the way to evolve like the others , they were a bit aprehansive due to waching a peaceful guy by wat they have observed untill now i made shure to be cleane wen i groth the kids now adults with instinctive knolege i gave them , then i remade the bot into a better version of himself with his mind intact and emotuonaly complete then we prepared and left home we ate some food and went to sleep.