We woke up here in my hands Cronoa was blissfully sleeping after a few more hours she was awake and curiosity looking at me then she smiled she felt my form to make sure that it's not an illusion than with a relived smile then we got to ower feet as the bed were we stood got cleaned and ironed out in a matter of moments then we slowly made ower way to the cooking room were some gods were having a cooking contest they made pancakes and then when they saw us they invited us for a taste test we accepted and the contest slowly became a speed cooking challenge as we ate and ate until they fell on the ground out of breath since all the ingredients are practically infinite they ran out of stamina before the ingredients ran out we then got them some food made by myself Cronoa and the other to gods enjoyed many and diverse sweets from chocolate filled to sweetmeat filings meat alongside some specific spices made the pie sweet and tasty and we then opened the door and enterd it we exited at the top of a tower a large skeleton with a croun on its head and vampire teath was speacking to a man with a chain wip ish thing they bowth stoped and looked at the too individual that exited the door and the big skeleton asked who deare interfeare his meal out loud waile the man took a step back as he saw my sharp smile the akeleton thing was furious due to all the influence he had over the real world was slowly beeing taken over by my pasive ability Compleate Control that slowly takes over any abnormal energys and makes the anomaly just sease and return to the natural state of things adfter the wether fixed i started to change my skin turning into plates of wite warble covering everything except my face that became a smuth wite plate with seven eyes and the crack that became to form they saw my perfect aharp and deadly chompers the akeleton slowly lowerd his position to mach me my claws glowing with a void shimer the skleton took the aproximative of a step back as it flowted he felt my killing intent he prepared his wepon and he started singing it the man walked away seeing the creature that changed and started to engage his target he walked to the age of the platform were Cronoa came and sat next to him as she slowly mended his broken and taierd body as they talked about the show in front of them after some time the raged and beaten up skeleton saw my form slowly growing larger and larger untill i towerd his beoken and sad form i chained it and we started to talk it told me its story in return i started to dismantle his unneaded functions leaving him well bare bone then i started instaling new functions a poket dimension that grows as it gets inhabited fixing his hunger was easy since he will not use as much energy to be capable to interact with the world the conection of death to this world was him the gate to the underworld or overworlds depending on theyr dids then we ended up with a deal sins mylitle death spirit grew up she serched for difrent aspects for herself to lern from i allowed her to lern from him then i sent him to her realm after they saw the skeleton dicepear then the big monster who defeated it puffed and turned into a similar size of the gall who talked and healed him then we started to talk i copyed his wepon for my own use as i molded it out of my golden tatoos they beeing made out of my void infused silver now golden bat molded into my tatoos then i materialised them as liquid metal poored out of them as it formed my new wepon i played with it geting the man to stare at me with a twiching eye he then showed me how to properly use the wepon that leson i took as wind to a wind turbine then i fixed the broken cassle suprising the people in the suroundings then i found the soul's of the Dracula and his wife reincarnating them into imortals then i fixed his cassle to its peack state giving it like i sent them there after fixing it to a serthen zone were no humans really come to then i went and grabed some of the vampires that broth my intreast some joy then i took samples of all the creatures in this world then we left for home we saw were the teacher and pupile were enjoying time with creature's of the same inclination we ate shared some food and we then went to sleep.