130.getting some problematic humanoids.

We woke up got dressed and went to the kitchen I took some assorted meat of the swine decent then I got some paper, salt and some other spices I then made some hot dog like shapes out of the well-mixed grounded meat paste then we placed them in the fortunes leaving in for fifteen minutes so it gets well cooked as such then we pulled them out and placed in packages then we finished and I opened the door it was then we I sored the food and we enterd the door exiting in a forest it was filled with animals of many different types after we enterd it lightning struck me hard then again and again it was quite tasty since I just opened my maw and ate it the pure energy in it was good I used it to stimulate my viral cells and refined them a bit more  in Cronoa's case I captured her tribulations lightning I stored it and gave it to her so she can slowly and methodically assimilate it to reinforce any weak aspects of herself than we walked and saw human cultivators and spirit beasts and a bit of demons we found the linch pin of this world a man with a bird brother he had the way of the universe as his cultivation method i saw the death of his mother arive at him then we visited him as i gave him a litle boost the we went to his mother were we healed her geting her to her a normal cultivator she will need time and strenght saving his father was quite hard but i did so granting them peace he went on his adventure wen he met his love of his life i healped her with the master problem she was thanckfull i took the individual who wood have eliminated her and they ended up geting eaten my us ne and cronoa we participated in the weding we made shore there is a balance between the factions then we left as we colected some serthen demons and female cultivators that were quite viel i boned them and we returned home the too lovers got a happy end and in the end we visited them time to time then we returned home took a nice long shower and we took a nap next .