We woke up then i prepared some underwater suits and geting looked at like i am a fool by Cronoa since she lerned of were we are going then she just threw them into the furnes's surfece i saw them burn to dust then dirt then moss and so on untill they got lonched in a random direction in the outer space and wen i saw this a tear eschaped my eye the tear started growing and formed a water nymph that took the chance and ran out of the furness as her body was slowly evaprating since the concentration of energy in the furness more close to the core the more pure and concentrated is well the strenght of the reaidents coresponds to the zones were they live anyway we got clothed in normal atier then we enterd the door and we exited in a worldbfilled with metal monsteosoties and we found owerselves in the deaps near a fracture in space we saw the inhabitans of this world some way up since the presure in the deaps was too grate for them we swam up to see them some eldrige guys talked with us since we have some unique frequensis that allow them to vew ua as equals of larger rancking we spent some time with them and the residents some metal and flesh man were harasing people i purged them wenever they bothering us some time after we became knolegeble of the suraundings then we enterd the portal as we emerged on the other side we were geting well a very small amount of presure we swimed and reached the botom were we found some small crustatiins thay acted very agresivly wen in contact with my hand they ended up geting devowered insted we spent ower time swiming eating and enjoing the vew of compleate emptyness except the eldrige things that rome the bottom of the see after a few days in there a guy in a familiar armor he was suprised wen he saw us too relaxing in the deap darck deps of this large body of water we talked and then we spleat as we returned home and took a deap scrubbing with a bath spunge we then went to bed