135.blood in the ocean.

We woke up Cronoa next to me we prepared and we enterd a world I saw it filled with villains the place we emerged was a forest as I always enjoy forests they are usually calm and pleasant we moved to the largest body of water then I dropped some of my blood in the ocean the blood assimilated the water and they gained a blue tinge as the temperature slightly lowered as any lifeform in it started changing evolving and some manage to become humanoids those humanoids came towards my position I imparted the judge profession then granting them enough knowledge to join the Atlantians who were under an overlord who was taken care of by a shark humanoid of my design some more guys were colling themselves unjustice League or something the superman wannabe was eliminated with ease due to the light generation of yellow sun rays I depowered him and just chomped off his dead then my army came from the ocean and started clearing other villans as the stronger ones went after the super villains alongside me and Cronoa we enjoyed helping the redeemable and eliminating the unredeemable we spent some time healing and fixing some zones of thisbworld they were quite happy since the tirant was now dead and gone some individuals came out of hiding we talke and my hexfishman joined this warld of the dc universe we spent some time and got to talk with miss fait she and the spirit in the helmet were inrmtriging people i made a hex host for the helmets spirit so we can talk like normal people then we left towords the normal universe they met us in the justice tower bat man super man aqua man matrian man hunter green lantern wander woman and cyborg they all taked with us i took some time with them and we helped with a god that rerurned wen dark side came to take erth he was  suprised to see me then i just opend my maw and ate his head off his sholders at the same time absorbing his omega power and then enterd his world taking it over and healed the inhabitants and planet giving them a new start i left a wisp of the omega power so a new host can be made to rule once more gathering the genes and such adding to my power then absorbing theyr energys for my onw selfish need for power i extrapolated theyr divinity from they divine power adding to my own as seads that will change an bloom in time we then returned to the erth of this world as i analised them we lived in a home in a deep forest alone well then i sugested to gain a serthen power Croboa accepted as such we flew to the wall were many ainchant creatures were placed to rest i placed a hand on it the stone started spreding over my hand stoping half way to my sholder then it started going back slowly converting all the wall in a marble like substance that seamed to be alive all its inhabitans were resurected and then eaten by myself and wall spleating theyr power and genes between us then i madea avatar for it to act as a timer and warning system all the lanten cores were broth here the life equasion was gifted to me by Wally the lanterns lerned of the efect thwy have on it and a solution was created the nine cores were made  all the cores were. assimilated in the wall to regulate the power output and whenever a member died he was sent to the wall so he can help with their energy the potential energy they all have as it now can pull on all their possibilities such to refill the power reserves and since Lobo was well the best battery due to his unique Constitution he was equipped with all the rings then implanted with the first lantern and then made to live with the wall that became his perfect companion giving him what he truly desires in exchange for his power Lobo was never seen out of the house well except when he was visited by his pets apace dolphins we returned home after fixing a permanent door in it hidden by Wally for any emergency like the anti monitor or Barbados if he comes to this world I mean tasty treats anyway after that we returned home we took a nice long shower and went to sleep.