We woke up I gave them the explanation and we started the tv as they saw a soul fragment covered in blue flames and some moving mass on it, as it flew it arrived at a southern planet with many beasts and creatures I managed to find a hoast a worm-like a creature this time with red skin and parasitic capabilities the main mind that was in control of all of them the worm burst in flames and changed it grew and became human-like but were my eyes would be the ware to holes with teeth I made a milky wight cloth and covered them since I don't have problems with seeing somehow I realized that I had a male body of the average build and long dreadlocks that resembled the queen of blades I dressed and started walking since I can feel her will growing in surprise a bit of anger and frustration since somehow a part of her was no longer her I got some memories from her and I decided to find her some of her found me running towards her main body they stopped following me since I was similar to her but at the same time not since they didn't feel any hostile intentions they were calmer and her weriness slowly lowered wen i arived she was faising towords me with a kind smile i ran and tackled her geting her in my embrace since she was a similar hight as me she was suprised wen i did that she took control of the situation as ahe was on me holding my hands above my head as we were on the green grass i examined her body she did the same with me during her waching me my dreadlocks burts in flames and became peach black as my skin slowly turned from red to like hers to a vibrant blue that auprised her i just amield next was my clothes mimiking her stile but with black and blue in starc constrast with her red and wight and brown pants and boots next was a discussion since i was not under her control she asked me if i wood join her as her son i accepted for now since i neaded to lern how i can use this new body natural ability's and the conection she holds , we talked and i knew she cant use me to restore herself to life is she is completely gone as such i took a worm for security resons she kept the conection to it she was curious on the reson i took one of her bosys inside myself i told her of my thincking if somehow her full body gets distroyed i will be capable to keep her safe well she belived me sincebi now can control my body beter the glands and pheromones are usefull if you know some biology i started by becoming a bit smaller without losing any mass condensing moaste of it except the zone were i keep her fragment my skin torned to a normal color for a elf i still wore the eye-cover so no suprises will be showen to others my extra eyes will look just like res buttons on my clothes coverd by a protective glass like structure not leaving them exposed to random bumps and such to hurt me my clothes are normal non larva-structures i saw her infect grow and feed i did not split grow and expand since i used all my reaurses on this main body well mindless beasts do give good biomass and the weack flesh i was given at the beginning was slowly turning stronger and denser waile my waight stoped at around 100kg of condensed mucle and strength from that my waight did not grow but my hight slowly grew from half her size to right under her large fake personality's well i enjoyed her story and wen he came i stood aside to not bother her with her death i saw her capturing them and wen the boy asisted in her death all but the fragment in me died they saw me and captured interogated and broth me with them since i had bandages on my face they took a peack to see too holes were my eyes shood be with nothing in them only flesh with skin they were shocked wen they saw it i took my eye-covers and oroceaded to cover my suposed grusome damage i kept my discuase he the mucled man was strong like a tanck as i acted like a proper kid curios and coincidentally screwing with them mentally that is i enjoyed it they asked many things i anserd and saw them battle they talked of theyr former adventures as time went i slowly reverted to my blue form they were suprised but not hostile since i didn't react as i knew of my suposed change and wen i was compleatly blue and my clothes butons-eyes they belived that they were gifts from my former mother so i can see with no suposed eyes and wen i reached my teen-like age i started using my fragmentation and parasitic nature on mindless beasts to be exact stronger the better i toock care to send the larva woman to my original since we bowth wanted her genes and knolege i alwredy disolved the body and sending the soul thrue the linck we too hold that happend wen she atempted to rivive inside me she was suprised since i just killed her no mercy or other sentiments in her point of vew time went the story ariving at its clone end i did the ultimate sacrifice and they saw me gone as i left a clone to get killed i was broth back to the original as we merged the red larva woman saw the merger with open normal eyes as she was rebirth as a normal humanoid hex with ther gifts from her past she just wanted a lovly family she got one made of gods we then went to sleep she as a maid cronoa as my partner and only partner, bublegum as my first sister and Marceline as my Big sister, as we sleaped we all enjoyed it.