We all woke up the girls except Crona left for some reason or other since they were curious about the planets in my universe as such they did with some guides so no accidents will happen at least they will be minimized then we returned to the tv room we spun the will of fortune and we got oh god not this one noo then we took a seat I got a fragment and gave it what it truly needed then next moment the soul fragment is given divinity and the flames of alchemy the soul fragment infused itself into a woman she was pregnant but the fetus was on the verge of death due to bad circumstances I assimilated it and proceeded to get born in this world I first trained my mana pool during my infancy and childhood I acted like a normal kid to make her happy since well she became weaker and weaker over time due to her own doing I concealed my smell from other things in this world I then trained my body and flames she did not pay much attention to me during those times she seems to have aged more than her age wood show and wen i reached my 14 years of live she died due to a ovedose of some kind of medicine after that i wen on my path i serched for serthen artifacts tools and plants i made many many things my flesh was as iron skin as smuth as silck and still with the armstrong fisick except my hear was abundant and strong i serched for the demigods and i found myself in a life or death situation since the idiots were runing from a minotaur he was suprised wen i blocked his wepon with my bare hands i got some damage on them that fixed itself slowly the big cow got shot in its head by a femeale next to them a older woman and next to the mc a huved boy was there my hands were slowly healing it finished in a minute or so dam useless magic armor, blades still hurt like hell i was on my feet towering over the kids and i remember that i forgot to unleash my other half it did help impruve my fisic and energy reservs the next moments wen the kids started asking me stuff the woman was waried since i stoped her capture to be sent to hades next was the camps kids coming to asist the new arivals i released my other half my skin turned wight my mucles got condenced and i was rivaling the godes of buty i then opend my worp conection as i enterd it my flesh started burning as new flesh grew stronger and stronger i felt some entety's pearing in the worp i gazed back and they flinched but kept looking i after some time to ajust i started manipulating the energys i solidified for myself a bed a flat zone were i made some other things my former wepons and armure disolved into colors and conscepts i restructured them to a beter form next was the harvesting of exces lust love and hope as those are the afinity i gave to the fragment of divinity that formed me into a demigod of the worp modeld as a tamer slanesh i can influence the conscept i eat and after growing wnoth i exited the worp in the half camp they were suprised next was the thunder and some full gods i made shure to start mesing with all of them these gods were easy to manipulate since lust is emaneiting from them like the thickest smoke i cood ever smell and see i smield and then the exces of sethen feromons comenced a festival of flesh and lust i did not participate in it just draining the energy from the gods and kids and after a day or so i was full i exited in the worp with some kids that truly desierd to be in this situation i broth them with me they were safe with me i started chainging them for beter performance and durability also alowing them to survive with much more ease they were capable to go into a demonic form i thoght them of the worp and theyr loyality was enshured with a small twick to they body's they were suprizingly easy to indoctrunate i saw mowst of them beeing from the godess of love and buty they were esaly influenced i shood eat theyr mother in bowth ways my thug was long and probgued usualy moving in percerse ways over my chest and any other surfeses and demons around me i gave them the mision to weacken some gods and as the mc dose his misions he and his freands did not get to be part of the festival i folowed the canon but with some more flesh festivals and recruitments i enjoyed the horor streachen look of the godess of love beuty i devowrd her first lustfuly then that turned into reaping of flesh and drincking of ichor the other gods were not capable to stop me since i got her in the worp first before starting the fun was wen she realized that she is utterly and ireversebli devowered untill her last peace i grew into a olmoust god that ment i am still in the apotheosis stage i made a time manipulation zone were a second outside few thousand years with all the demons keeping each other entertaned the food was in large enoth amounths so we dis not have propbelms i gatherd the lustfull souls for my use i managed to get the old fart for food i grew well took my time untill i got zeus i will not let him of all people manage to get in my pants i never used the energys of the worship as such i was fine to just kill him off as he was going like a mad bull on his wife i got his sword and i got the my new pet i placed the godes of the harth to rule and made some demon guards to keep her safe loial only to her and maybe a bit to me enoth to stop me from hurting her but noth enoth to stop me from teasing and plaing with her body then years passed as i cleaned the gods of this world growing more and more powerfull i gatherd the remenants in the olimpion and asgardian zones as slaves or refugies i took the ones that were fun and returned to the original that i promptly murfed with then i sent the demons and gods for conversion to hex and then we went to sleep