We woke up then we wandered to the tv room once more some gods already there waiting for us I separated a fragment then we took ower sits and the tv turned on as we saw a small soul hits a woman than a few days lighter she got pregnant with her husband and after nine months she gave birth to twins one with black hear and one with wight like snow my eyes were red as my brothers were blue and as such the Wayne twins were born we lived together I was acting properly and managed and developed the fealing needed whenever I was alone from my red eyes peach black veins grew and extended forming thread-like things I felt the control over them like a missing limb they shaped and formed a boll of thread that grew and grew as it stopped when I was tired and it found to the ground my parents were curious who wood snick in my room each time I go to sleep to just live a ball of thread that is slowly growing in size as days go by and they did try to watch over me some night but the next morning wen they inevitably follen asleap and a ball formed in a closet alwredy by then they analized it for any daingerus substances or thing on those lines they just saw that it was very similar to spider silk as time went by we reached the age of eight and we went to the movie and then it happend the guy with the gun was there i secretly make a large ball of thred and wen he was redy to shut at us he heard a wush and wen it hit the ground we for were coverd by blood guts and bone fragments such a traumatic visege as we now look at a pudle of blood under a large thread ball soked in condensation and now blood father and mother loked at me then at Bruce then they huged us moving owed vew away from the pudle then they called the police and the incident was named the misterious thread ball foling from the sky killed a muger atempting to steal from the renound Wayne family then i saw my beother start treining and going around to lern martial arts and other things thre were some other atempts to kill my perants but each time a large boll of thread squished them or they sufocated due to theyr inerds was filled with threads depending on the place and time i continued practesing and ended up copiing a serthen individual called the knitter i made thread constructs conected to me by a line or i just made clothes or other wayh nots wen Bruce went to trein away for the long time i made a mask a cloke with a hood gloves long enoth to reach my elboes and scarfs coming from my back they were used as secundary hands i went around during the night kneting restreining sweters or other aticles of clothing over bad guys and such i enjoyed kniting funny and emberesing things then i wood returned home and pretend to be slothfull and well weack easy to manipulate and such as time went by i was recognised as a vigilanty by the outorities i never killed since i didnt need to well except the ones who relly desierd to kill they were killed in return as repayment after some time my brother returned he was suprised since i was of similar buid to himself and after some time we spared he was suprised since i was a perfect mach to him and wen he got truly serious he saw threds come out of my eyes wen i became serious i was coverd by thred forming a scarf around my neck and spikes grew in serthen places not bothering my movements but geting in the way of amy atacks i next as he was suprised spred my threds covering bruce into a similar costume as his future bat man persona but with fluf were a normals bats wood have he was suprised wen they bursted into flames and made the fluffy thread into hard reziliant substance that was form fiting and extremly protective and well cool i then told him of my unique abilities he was serius about my safety and such yada yada we treined and we went out hunting for bad guys the funny expresion of him wen a gang batle was resolved with all of them in sweters and guns cloged up by threds and such after some invasions and many more adventures i opend my door in the justece legue tower supervised by all the main legue they saw my true self enter the door we faced each other then huged and murged then i made a invitation were aome joind me some didnt we returned and we placed them were they were neaded then i and some girls went to sleep.