After i finished the jobs i was given during the restnof my body i returned to it and rested my mind for the next five days then i woke up with Crona on my chest sleping and managing her folowers as she checks on the other religions in my ineer and outer universe i alsaw fixed a trejure orb in my furness for the fun of it anyway i woke up then stured the others to the waking world then we went to eat after that we wandered and ended up in the tv room wereni took a fragment and sent it we saw a fragment fly and fly untill it inbeded itself in a serthen blade of a serthen orange heard guy i arived at the ege of his power and sword then i was met with a lanky guy and a hallow-shinigami spirit my eyes glowed purple as the too atarred to burn in blue foames leaving behind only too souls a wight and red one and a blue one then i devowered them separating the blood line conection then i woke i was a short skeletal creature with purple flaming eyes i manifested myself next to ichigo and his litle black heard miss Rukya the i checked my body as i had a hoddy black shorts and a tshirt with three sigils on it the halo hole surounded by a red ribon and inside the hole a blue cross glowed i snaped my finger and us three teleported to his room then i sat on his bed and i pretended to fall asleap as such i got woke by the now slowly turning human Rukya then i stood on my shiny boney ass i i rubed my checks as i started with my barage of jokes and jabs at her body tipe and wenever she atempted to hit me i just teleported ichigo were i was as i took his place and he got hit in the gut next was us talking of wath i am ending up teling him i am his swords spirit she did note the hole in my chest circuled by a red ribon and holding inside a bule and slowly turning purple cross and wen she noticed it i just punned her atention away next was meating the blond smuck he was surpised since i took my place on a gaster blaster replica imitating the head of a hidra he saw me do all the stuff and atemoted to replicate it manejing to make a bird sized one then i showed him wath they can doo my playing and joking around with them from using them as transportation to cousing the clowds to speet by shuting them in the skyes in the form of a blade his shiky was bo longer a giant kichen knife wen Rukya was taken for her Jugement i sent some gaster blasters so small they seamed invisible i did see the influence of the hogioky in her body then there was the training period were i saw geting beaten the hell out of by the blond guy we talked time to time and wen hi shiky started activating he ganed one of my names: Sans punish, as he said the worlds his hilt shatered to dust that coverd his limbs giving him a skeletal gountlet like stucture as his back clothes turned into a hoody long to his hips and his pants turned short all black with purple and red then he started treining that form that became more permanent i made his greining very hard as i made shure to influence him to do imberasing stuff if he loses controol over his power and in consequence his body to me during those times i returned to his mind as i wived the ilusion of controol over his body as i made him cringy puns and such more giving him the motivation to not let me have the will he strugled and reganed controll his brown eyes became neon purple and his face was in the form of a grinn a joking one as his teath became a bit more sharp wen he finaly managed to bearely hold my influence back the smile relaxed a bit as he sumoned a gaster blaster alongside a bone the gaster blaster was with a opend maw and from it the blast was formed into a blade a knife shaped blade ....yea i dont get it he shood not be capable to do that this erly anyway plot is wath it is then we went to save her with his freands there was one that was crossed due to me coming along or beter sead still active i was consuming a serthen anount of energy to be active he felt the drain but it alsaw served as treining leting him recover at night as i asimilated the wills of the too parts of his former sword wen he wanted to lern my full name i told him to trein some more since he still neads to lern to use my other tricks we started batteling each other my small skeletal look tranzitioned as a wight substance exited my hallow hole as it coverd me i grew to his hight as my clothes wigled and sized to my new form my tale was strong and wigleling from side to side my maw was filed with sharp teach loled in a battle filled grin he saw my heard mimiking his but wight as my neon purple eyes left treals in the are he saw me extend my hand and he felt something gripping to his soul then he felt my serious self he was regdold around for few minutes untill he got used to it then bones started forming around me as a ribcage with multiple necks grew slowly forming the hidra skulls with purple glowing eyes as it started spewing indiscremently blasts i saw some of the heds being choped of or crushed by his brute force but next moment the nuber of distroyed heds dubled and the light show continued thei kept going untill he cood do is only doge over and over untill he tierd up i gave him ten minute brake then condenced some bone weponry as i stabed thsm in the ground i told him thst one of these is by true body and if he can find it and inpale me with it i will thell him my second name: Sans Juge And Punish wen he said this worlds his power grew exponantionaly as his clothes changed in a long hody reaching his knees as the black shorts turned purple and lenghten to his ankels as his sandals turned to slipers with fluffy lining as the gountlets became fingerless gloves with a red shirt under his hody he felt the strenght as i was in his head slowly incrouching on his will to make him arere that he is evne more vulnerable to my puning ways as he felt the power he was unvspable to stop me from puning my hart out we then went to get her since her exzecution day was moved due to a invasion team wen we arived at the exzecution podium he teleported to her and then to a safe spot i snikely extracted the hogyoku and sent it to my inner storege as we btled with her brother the traitor grabed Rukya for the now missing hogyoku he was upset but next he saw a holow loking skeletal construct with a sethern hogyoku in his maw the buy started sweting as i plaied with it using my long thung i took out of my mout and asked ow you want this taysty snack right here in my litle cold ded fingers redy for a quick chomp! He had a sweet drop when I said the word chomp may be due to sampling my mouth closed hard enough to be herd in the hole execution grounds I smiled and then made it vanish as I made a hand trick all the shinigami were observing me and when I was done he came at me as I signal to Ichigo that made him serious as we swapped places I was now holding Rukia in a princess carry she was surprised at the cold yet deff hold I had on her I then teleported to a red hed leaving her with him as I dismissed myself so he can use all his power the moment I smiled and vanished they saw Ichigo blast in power as Ison prepared his escape I was called upon to assist as the giant hydra I captured his pons leaving only him and his too moat trusted to escape next was the dismission of the sentence on Rukia since the sneaky bastard was discovered then I emerged only when he was truly in danger like when the idiot was too stubborn use my mask for the sake of conserving power and such he got the feling he delt more damage to evil creatures granting him a ege agents many foes and wen ison fused with his half hogioku ichigo wanaged to take care of him with his full powers teleportations blaster bones and regdoling the asshole to interupt many of his devastating attacks and wen he reached the time wen the hogyoku recognised him as not worthy i ganed a secon buton on my hody uea the buton at the end of my hody stings and wen we battled youwach hehe he felt this end come but cood not eschape so he did all he cood to win to end up Juged Guilty and being sealed as we finished the last threght for some time , time went by and the end of ichigo came due to old age i finished separating from him before he took his final breth and manifesting as a phantom then he was sent to the soul society as i returned home i murfed with myself and i returned to sleep.