We woke up then checked the panel in the walls where my clones are represented if one is on the verge of death they are turned to dust as I get their souls to return to me after that we went around and finished arriving at the tv room where I took my comfortable seat then I sent the fragment randomly and then well I saw starts a solar system then a planet next was a group of slime-like creatures and then I embedded myself in one of the learning that they were something on the lines of synthetic latex lifeforms I took over the mass and then reshaped it as my body as it turned red as blood with black and with wight I resembled a human if they were lanky and with very predominant muscles my face a black plate with seven eyes and my mouth was seamlessly hidden in the smooth surfers and when open they wood seem a crack wood form over it acting as my maw I then started wandering and eating other latex-like creatures some had hosts I separated them and ate the latex and fixing them if needed the hosts i mean i finished gathering all of them in few days no mather how much i ate i didnt grew or change coloring and wen i reached the doctor i separeted his latex slime and then i went as i changed in a human like aperence and wandered then went to cleen any other traces of the damm slime after i finished i enterd the door and got devowered by my original body then we returned to wander a bit my home then we went to sleep