After we woke up and wandered about for some time we finally reached the tv room where we chose ower seats mainly me showing the god in the seat observing dejection and anticipation then I took another fragment then I sent it I saw it fly and fly arriving on a planet than the forming of my body wood happen as I saw a couple of humans around they looked at me as my flesh and bones from the earth and steal and plant life I stood tall on two legs around half the size of the humans covered by fur-like grass with too big ears round eyes seaming to be miniature galaxies my maw covered and short stocky limbs covered and seaming harmless and cute then from were my pelvis would be a tale like an appendage grew it treated under the earth hiding the monstrosity that the second body is I wandered the humans a set of to males and to females, the males and females were of the same gender pairings a male and a female hid behind their partners or were they holding their partners away from me since i seamed cute and all i made sure to have my eyes opend wide geting amusement from the strugles the reaction of the submisive ones they were more receptive to my cuteness but wen they reluctantly stoped due to showing them my razer sharp teath in a gruaome expresion that was my cajual smile i saw the too who desierd to i thinck was hug me now wore abgoustly expresions as they were wight well wighter the pure wight marble i gigled in glee due to them theyvwere suprized how can a creature seaming so cute cood be fast turning out to be terrorfing at a second glance i then moved my tale-link as from the ground surounding me for skeletal hands pool its skeletal torso from the ground as its head emerged from the undergraound i heard screaming from all for of them they saw my for tale ends that i keep intangeld one is a shield made of a rib cage and a the skull from wich i can see from then there were the too limbs that end in to skeletal limbs ending with too sharp bone claws they were now on the graund i used them to balance the uper part the humans were on theyr asses i laffed well then the skull tilted its head then i returned to my more cudly form as i started talkimg my claws were alwredy atound them but not in contact to them the ones more dominant were in front of theyr loved ones then i comenced asking questions and such i lerned of the world i am in hapenings of the scarecrow and of the strange things of this world hm i ponder if i am clasified as such but i thinck i wood be better clasified as something difrent i left them as i buried under the ground they ran i just went around serching for a serthen school i encounterd some strange things with theyr poket spaces i visited some they were delicius since the energy they emanate was quite strange i felt theyr souls they were somehow wrong but natural i arived at the serthen school as such i in the time it took to arive i was capable of lerning the way to discover my ability to shapeshift into a human i was dressed normaly as a student i manajed to infiltrate the sistem and inacript myself as a library asiatent i enterd the library and met with a man more like a straw pupet i cood feel a familiar energy eschaping from him demonic energy i wqlked to him and moved my hand to him and he shook him i felt negative emotions from him he was curious as the day went at night i felt someone waching me he was waching me i saw a straw doll i grabed it then with a sharp smile i opend my sharp tooth maw as i ate its vodoo doll he felt excrushieting pain since i made sure his conection was active the hole process some of his strenght was eaten and i lernd of his fear craving and i got a thoght, if he feeds on it then i will do the same of bravery and i did we talked and we came to a agreament we dont go agents each other and we can grow together since we feed on difrent things we can help feed each other by manipulating the humans this went on for few years and we arived to be on the apax of ower species then i opend a door colected all my subordonates and then i murged with my original the after some more wandering around the furness i arived to my bed room were i went to sleep as my minions slowly evolve and grow.