As I woke up I felt the need for evil unstoppable evil as such I sat on the edge of the bed as I prepared and I wore my battle armure then I ran towards the tv room where I took my seat and pressed the edge switch as I saw the whole room change becoming peach black with red lights and blue flame wisps quite pleasant to look at then I took another fragment and then I sent it, the gods that enjoyed the change and the curious ones whatever they want, I then sent the fragment shielded from any mental changes and then I saw it fly, and fly I did until I hit a mass of peach block in a cup I entered it and then became one with it as I assimilated the substance I was ingested by a woman and in a strange process she got pregnant and she gave birth to seven girls and a male me to be exact I was the only male they took care of us and treated us to kill samurai jack but when they wanted us to be coverd in black like them I snaped my fingers and all my sisters and I were coverd by a black aubstance similar to mather and the rest they were coverd in some kind of ash and chared material we did train but wenever we rested i conected ower dreams and i educated them on wath the world is and weneved we woke up i sealed those memories so they wood not diviate from the treaining and wen we were sent to battle well after a day or so i unloked theyr memories geting to see theyr true colores i unloked theyr heretige as it was changed now no longer aku but me a neutral creature each black mass that was covering them had stripes forming on them maiking them more easy to identify as i had all the colors we found jack in a temple i gave my sisters the green light to start the play they battles seriously and wen he managed to get a fatal hit the suit wood egect a red subtance and make them act like they fainted and wen he leaves they wood wake theyr suits wood turn wight and folow the others i just wached the battle and saw wen he captured Ashi we folowed them waile keaping a mental conection he didn't see us we enjoyed the show he dis see her blush more than offen and wen father met with bouth of them and wen he sniffed her he seas his iconic words tha he can smeel a part of him inside her but wen he wanted to activate it he saw her geting coverd in a purple substance mixed with black and then seven difrent colored spikes emerged from the ground surounding her as the spikes changed shape to humanoids then after the too old enemies finished waching us gsther up i comenced a evil laffter as me and my sisters fused as we towered over father in a feminine form we made a wicked grin ower multiple sets of eyes wached him and ower mouth kept laffing as jack saw us start to beat the hell out of Aku and after a few hours of being punished i made a jar and then i sealed him then jack saw us split back in ower difrent parts but wen we returned to ower selfs my sisters saw that theyr black parts on theyr suits were reduced to lines as i on the other side had lines of all the colors on the black i was build similar to jony bravo i had aku in my chest surounded by my mass sealed well jack was well traing to comprehend ower existsnce my eyes were a mix of all the colors as my systers were of a color each they had dominion over the power they were given from me he was suprise since wen he focused to manipulate us he felt something even more foul and terror filing since well no sane creatre wood corupt atoms themselfes to take controll over a difrent power but the way i took over his atoms well they are now mine and bearly recognizeble to those of aku i then then we helped to get him in the past we alsaw broth aku with us we arived at the point wen he sent jack in the future a moment laighter to be exact then and then he killed the original as we became more human loking aka the skin tite suit becoming more spacious and such bagy and ower ites turned back to wight and about the paradox well the mass i gave my sisters alwredy copied theyr souls and genes leaving the shell dicepeare to replace the mising parts we saw theyr weding and after that i gave jack a peace of my mass so he can live the same anount of time as his love i opend the door and my new sisters went around the inner verse and outer verse to enjoy themselfes as i murged with my original ending up retuning to my bed were i took my nice rest.