After I woke up I had my time to check the zones and the Furness I was with Crona we chatted a bit and then we started walking towards the tv room where we sat on ower seats as then we removed a shard each she has only her one soul shell and by taking a fragment of it she would be vulnerable if I was not around that is with her next to me I encased us in a protective barrier more like some kind of repulsion barrier that reflects anything thrown at it as it takes half of whatever and then assimilated it as it threw the rest back with double the power and then reinforced its energy reserves, I sent the to soul fragments to the world where we found ways to make lower body's since we gave ower fragment selfs with southern power's I checked the place were I emerged at as a flame construct in a Vulcano as I felt her birth more like a takeover of a host body I felt the direction as I smiled I made a blood-red marble outer shell to keep my flames contained safety first and all I proceaded to make my way to my partner i was bierd at by flame benders many atenoting to stop me but i just shruged off and even wen they used anything else the blades shater melt or just bend moastly a mixter of to or all three i disn,t make a sound only the thud of my but on the naked erth or other materials in fr9nt of me after few days i arived at the palace were a opd man came to chalange me i just passed thrue the flame and lighting i was scorched all over but only the marcks remained for a bit of time then they just smuthed out as i kept walking i just punched the old flame bender and then too adults came at me one fatter then the other i ignored them as my frame was bursting out with each atep i tookwnsing up faising a woman with a kid in her hands the other kid was sleaping soundly on a bed she was there i took controll by seting the walls on flames but they didnt burn they just stayed there redy for anithing the too sons were stoped by my blue flames as i arived at the small kid my marble exterior changed becoming more like fluff perfect for cuddling with as i grabed her and then i sat down waithing for her to wake and wake she did with glowing green eyes that ended up solidifing in a emerald color as tatoos proceaded to cover her body as my armure proceaded to make red tatoos on a pure wight marble and yes i am still fluffy since i was with her i took care of her as we interacted with each other her father was oposed to me but a beating or too was enoth to finish his complaints as i took care of bowth mather and kids, Iro was curious but still coucious he was warned by my litle partner since ahe knew of the avatar story line we lived untill the time came she influenced many of the cast even zuco as i folowed her and enjoyed killing any assasination plots and wen the time came for zuco to go hunt the avatar i was of her size disquised as a loial subordonate in a plate armure we met Ang and the too wather tribe folowers of his we folowed his adventure as zuco went on i took care to manipulate the way the story route so i cood get some nifty knolege and then managed to go to the ones who made this wolrd well at least rheyr aproximations as i proceaded to throw them in my door as i changed them to my will as then i thrue them back to theyr own place as then we enjoyed the play by play adventure and wen the time came for Ang to battle with my partners father she came along to wach the show as i grew to tower over the asshole as i then proceaded to shed the armure as i started entering his body and then burning him from his insides to his now outsides since he blew up due to the expanding gass that his blood became then i came to face the now in pewking avatar since he never saw a man blow up due to his own blood that expanded his insides till he blew up i had my fun and then i pated his head as i returned to my partner and then we continued ower lives as we lived on Zuco became emperor as we too retierd to the forest untill she was born then grew up and such we went after her and yes she is still young due to her medaling with her body we then hunted her down and lived for a bit at the are temple as the we waited till the dark avatar grew to a giant size as i proceaded to do the same suprizing bowth of the avatars as i procesded to beat the evil out if the evil avatar as i managed to pull his spirit out leaving his vesal broken as i then took the light spirit ending up in the same cavity the other one went as then i procesded to devower them and then i opend the brige as then i gave kora a new spirit to help manage the interactions between them as we returned home and then we murged with ower originals as then we returned to rest.