I woke up then I dressed in my fluffy clothes as then I went around the Furness as I enjoyed the show, well all the gods were being afflicted by the song sickness it affects the reality from time to time since it still curious what type of songs would be born as the gods bicker and make altogether a Musical of sorts whenever I walk by the beat follows my steps as they start riming while they are whispering some tell of thing I did or didn't I was seen changing with the song matching the type from rock to jazz from spikes to smooth shapes changed as I passed from song to song group of gods and other things to others each enjoying the song day I never sang or rimed but in exchanged they saw me change I was flying or gliding as shapes and art followed me the walls of the Furness changed from the usually obsidian to paintings, mosaics and many more things and shapes and when I finished turning all the Furness in an art museum that can be interacted with I enterd the tv room with a smile on by face as i repeated in my head: one for you and one for me thats how the world goes, it was rather fun seaing them enjoy the musicle spores they are week enoth to be rezisted esaly a good shower and the spores are gone and such i sat on my chear then i separated a peace of the soul shell that i enbued enoth unique ability's and the wind seed it will take quite the time untill it will make anibody who hosts it into a god of sead affinity i have few of each tipe to make it easy for people to cultivate them i did much reserch to make them perfect other gods liked the ideea but the frowth period of the things is rather long but can be haisened by a stedy energy supply i saw the soul fly towords a world filed with humanoid animals i hit the atmosfere and stoped as i started gathering wind energy's as i formed a elemental body that i proceaded to shape it as a bat and then comenced to form a blood and flesh shell i then glided to the ground as i wore a pare of pants and a tshirt that alowed my natural fluff to keep myself worm and fluffy i was clasified of having a varient of see gigantisn since i was taler than normal individuals of my suposed species i was usually found flying around people were suprised since my species shood be awake in the night but i was flying rather easy during the day and wen they stoped me for eye sight testing i aced it and was given some paipers to make my flying easyer from any other flyers and police i took a day mailman profesion since it was fun to fly people were amazed due to me cariing a bag twice my size and i was still flying with such a ease i arived at the destination in quite the record i was met with many species and personality's i saw a buny policewoman capture the atention of a fox few minutes ago as such i took my brake period since i did this job for quite some time with eight owers to rest each day and having my fun i didnt need to sleep or eat but i still did it there were people curious due to my habits and due to me just apesring from nowere i then proceaded to folow oviualy each spots they went to by geting a pacage specifically for the person they were visiting from the the litle man i gave a gift to the litle laidy then there was the nood resort i gave a pacage to some naked people she saw me naked i was coverd by fluff well my torso thst is i had fun as wenever they went to some place i was ariving st the same time they saw me give package to many people they even stoped me for a bit to lern way the hell i am folowing them i juat shrugged and gave them some clues as then i smield and flew to my next customers the bunny was curius but the fox was incredibly suspicius i helped with the people that wood have broth them quite the dainger i alsaw deviverd the blue beerys to the goat laidy and as she opend them i took one and ate it she became franting and ran from me as the other too were curious of wath happend i blinked and with a bit of blue juce coming out of my mouth unintentionally i blincked at the goat girl who was strugeling to open the door i came to her acting feral and asked her wath did she do and unintentionaly she spilled the beans as miss hops registred the confesiom i turned to her with a brith smile as i returned to eat the rest since its quite daigerus for anibody from this world going ferals is rather daingerus for them i kept few samples for the police man testing labs i had a fun time as the goat girl recognised wath i did and wen she pulled the gun she pointed it at me in rage and she actually shot me well she dis pull the triger but the bulet never hit me as i doged over and over untill only a clicking sound remained the police girls was suprised and was kept from taiking a vulet for me a civilian as things went i arived at the goat girl i grabed her by the leg and we proceaded to move to the police station as i was escorted by miss hops we arived and with the proof and a confesion from her the chase wa sclosed i then participated laiter on on the weding of the fox and rabbit it was quite funny for her ro have a bench ocupied by people toller than three of one of theyr avrege sizes i kept around the farm and asisted i moved to the farm morebprecisly my farm a newly both dirt pach from wich i build a home from scrach i harvested trees from afar forest the residents were suprised since i was cariing large amounts of wood by foot and rope they saw me rest on a pile of wood logs after the first day of gsthering down woods from prety much fsr away from the fsrms i then dug the fundation with my wind blades the naibers were suprised since by moving my wings serthen ways and the erth gets minced and then moved aside i made a hut as i took a log and made to round divids and repeated the process the i just mounted them rather esaly the hut was like a box with a coridor were the door wood be fixt to i then poaced the roof it was flat then i started covering the walls in a mixture of clay and some other things the house was big enoth to fit twelve of me if i was sprouling myself on the floor then i coverd the floor that i procesded to dry with hot wind the walls i had windows that i fixed some home maid glass by going in the slkys and wen the thunder struck i moved sand to get hit by it then kept it licuid by hot winds and more lightning i moved it to the home and afixed it to the emty window and shaped it to fit properly it was nice artizanal and plesent to look at the buny's and other residents were quite curious and they visited my home from time to time since i made it in a month or so the windows in theyr vew were apearing adter each storm or so i made the erth around my home into a feald of potatos and some other greens it was fun each yer i trained grew the farm sold some kept some expanded my home and well had fun as the seed slowly blumed and i rached the apax as a good of wind then i faked my desth got all my welth in gold saw many dead people of old age and wen time came i left the dead vesal as i enterd the door and murged with my prime then i went to sleep.