240. Blood and Destruction.

After I woke and saw the bed covered by body's and the smell of lust is all over in the room as I rose a hot breeze as all the smell gathered in a concentrated ball as I crystallized its exterior to keep the rest in it as I prepared and got dressed as I opened the door and passed thru it as I exited in a world were a kid stood in front of his dog that was broken in peace's as I proceeded to move my hand once over the peace of meat, as the fur gets peeled off as to gloves covering his little finger as the dog decomposes leaving a living skeletal dog in its place as he grabbed the new revived dog that barks happily to him as his family comes seeing us I wave as I explained his power and then they see me turn to dust as they saw me smile they turn to the kid as he had in his hands a paper writing on it was his specific ability's and nuances I then I went to the leader of this country as I cursed the leader to never lie as I saw the chos insue as the heroes and villains got to know the true numbers of the dead normal humans the kids and such were the miasg afected sincee quirckless became sinonim with progected as the death toll was already to much all might was very angry and since he was not already greatly damaged I wen he battled with his counterpart formed a cage apon the too as they saw it close in as they both got crushed and asimilated into my body as the souls and quitcks got devowerd adding to my stocks I wandered gathering all the quircks by harvesting minute amounts of the genes getting some cmore diversity in my body as they all commenced to compete as they evolved then I made all might anew as he was in limbo for few hours I smile give him a large sword with his nemesis's soul powerless but still useful as I cursed them to never be apart as then I opened a new door's in the oceans conecging them to a rather hostile wassster world as i saw the quirckless and quircusers worck together to repel the invasion as I left the doors open I stabilized them to be self sufficient as then I moved this universe agaison to my inner world as I saw the events play out as I returned to my room I took my place on the bed next to Crona as we cudled and slept.