After I told the guest I had from the SCP foundation they talked quite a bit and the 8nformation sent from the guys who usually destroy all anomalies on sight, they found me first, and when they sent their teams only some bits 9f flesh was left they made me mad for a few days and they saw their mistake and sent the info on me as then the SCP foundation sent the d class to test if I calmed down and now the briefed squad that now is not overly hostile even now that I have them in my favorite room my bedroom as I lowered the temperature to where they don't sweat due to the heat generated by the friction of the tendrils holding some materials that conduct well heat so they can heat the room I left only the floor heating active so the room wood does not go well cold I saw their equipment and heard of mister Cowboys designation as then they saw as I moved my hand to words the wall as it changed into few hundred thin tendrils that commenced to we've between each other as it formed a wip they saw the process as then they saw my other hand grab my wrist as then a entering sound was heard as they heard my flesh being torn from my palm to form a bone like handle as then with some minor modifications I made a long strong and daingerous wipe as I then proceeded to show the functions of it and then presented it to the Cowboy with a smirk I showed the pseudobuton as he checked the functions they saw me return to my bed as I took a rest as the door opened and the way down was revealed with a latter as they left they gave me a device to contact me they did too as they asked me of the tendrils make as i anserd cojualy that the material was a composite of different flesh minerals and some of my blood that may or may not be of demonic origins they flinched at that moment i told them of it and then they asked was theyr agent and the side efects if having my gift, i responded by giddy a bit as I told them the perfect merger if flesh and tendrils that reinforceher flesh bones and organs as they can be as prensile limbs and for other very delicate actions as they can send some sensation back to me some choice fealings and olejure sensations they got curious at that as few hours I felt quite the pleasure i got called during the act of her playing with herself with my gift i tood them of the thing then I asked for some things in exchange for some more of my gifts and cooperation if requested as i proceeded to thell them the things that wilbackfier if them they think i am not awere and the reactions of my secundary body that is inbeded in the wall with tendrils keeping it safe and only the torso with my hands in the wall conexted to the rest of my tendrils with my eyes closed as i had been sent some stuff alongside a electric generator they told me if it brakes they can send others in exchange for some other benefits I assisted a gall with acidic skin and teath provlems i simlesly extracted all the teath that i replaced my acidproof bone like material shaped as humanteath she had no mode daingerous or unconfortable provlems with her mouth as i olsow was asked to hunt some rather daingerous anomalies they were fun to hunt there was that time i hunted down a guy in black tatoos and capable to spon blades out of eather he was suprised wen i made a vicisection they alsow made me meet the plegue doctor and the mask that i made a weack yet durable body perfectly capable to contain his blood as i checked the things It went thrue i olsow met with the ai in the computer he was rather anoing but i was alowed to get a copy in a secure location to mess with and mess up i did wen i was done with it they acctivaged it on a secure computer to meet the equivalent of a butler in a pc redy to chat with people due to it being bored as i returned to my cave/hidden home .