247. a random man in a ninja world.

I woke up as I saw some of my galls around next to me and on sofas watching tv's as I slept off I felt a part of me getting hurt I blinked and my body in the Furness dissolved as the one attacked heald in no time at all as I saw a fusion rather dangerous one but no error in parts I smiled and then space and time froze around it as I walked and reached the harmonizing souls as atom wide and as long as I need as I gently separated them as I saw the fusion disassemble and make its way to their respectful souls even with time and space frozen I can interact with their mass atom by atom as I lifted my influence as I saw them wake up as then all the components except ink bow and apologize as I saw ink attempt to live only to hit the ground as I have in my hah the soul I gifted him since he got used to having one of some time yet as I had it on my palm I check it for any contaminants as he saw me he slowly and rather painfully raize himself off the ground I finished cleanzing and marking some runes on it with such dexterity that left on it only atom wide chanals as his wight soul has blue tatoos all over it as i let it enter him his paint brush apears on his left hand as i saw him dicepear in ink then i loked at the other componeta of the fusion as i place a seal on them to block any fusions for few months as i scold them and get them to theyr homes with a snap all except ink he left before as then i left a avatar were the previous was as i rematerislize in the tv room were i took the next fragment as i fused it with void energy conection and a zerg genes all of them as i then sent it to the narutoverse, as i flew i arived at a kids body dead still with rements of energy as i enterd him i absorbed the remining fragments as i fused with the body as my new body was slowly geting regenearated my eyes opend as to purple eyes with blood red tomoe in them and as i blinck they return to normal as too deep purple eyes of normal design remeined in theyr place my energy reserves sky roket to the limit of my curent body as the void energy was converted rather fast to the other one as my stomack rumbled and i was unethed by some ninjas sent to rescue any people still undergraund they saw me with clothes damaged a leg and hand mising more like a few neters to my side as i was in a fetus like position as slowly from my back to bone spikes pearsed thrue my clothes they saw the process and a wite eyed guy saw my internal energy being in turmoil along with a empty spot were its void of any but my void energy meiking them belive there wood be a hole in my torso but there was flesh and wen my wings grew completly they got me on a strqcher on the side with my wings 9n the side and i subconsciously tuck them in a way i can lay on my back without being inconfortable they saw the wings slowly move molding themselfs on my back and legs as i loked atound my neck i was caried to the hospital as they broth my mis8ng limbs in a sealing scroll i woke up in a bed were i blinked as i felt my body and the too energy's parcialy clashing serthen aspect of them but not all as i can change the void in any other tipe of energy i was alone in the room for a bit untill a nurse came and saw me inspecting my bone wings in wich fethers made compleatly out of my excess energy as i slept they saw them slowly and stedaly form out of the bone frame i was asked how i feel and if i need anithing i asked for a very large amount of food since my face was quite sunken in and after i ate the kage aka old man came to visit mehe arived wen i asked for my mising limbs as i got the scroll i extracted them first my hand as he and the hospital laidy observed as i opend my mouth that shood have ben with normal teath insted razer sharp teath ware there as i devowered them in quite the grusome sight my belly was stell bulging from the food from my had to the last mite of my foot they saw and heard each flesh tering noice and bone braiking under the strenght of my jaw as the last peace they saw from the spots were my mising limbs were bubled as new limbs grew in quife the grusome sight they were suprised as my sunken visege filled a bit but not compleatly as my energy reserves gree a bit i was probably at around ten percent of the old man in front of me for now at least as i jumped off the bed as they head my stomack grouwl aghen as i asked were i can find large pray thy bowth were suprised the old man wanted to lecture me on some kind of will of flames or something but wen he started hia spill i startedlisting off future missbihaviours of his freands and such geting him angry as he then saw my eyes change as my purple pupiles expand to cover all my eyes as red blood red tomoe seven of them apeared as the colors of them change as one becomes a darker purpe then another one became golden then the next one turned pink ,green,orange,darker red and the last turned into blue as i proceaded to tell him all the sins percentages he has as then i listed hers suprised that her envy is the moast predominant i shruged then with quite the speed walked as i reached a window and then open it in a single move as then i jump as he saw me jump he atempted to grab me but wen he was a inch from me my wings moved and i was luched a rather large speed thrue the window leaving a fether there as i flew and arived at a forest reach in animals filed with energy as i comenced to hunt i was folowed by some ninja keeping theyrself hidden from any normal individuals but i didnt care as wen i finished eating around five giant creatures they saw me tering in theyr newly made corpses that dicepeared with each bite they saw my body grew i was around eight yer old loking wen i exited the window and now i am aproximativly ten yers old as my mucles were bulging and still condensing as my wings cover my frame as i took my nap as then i was surounded by some root ninja as they atenoted to grab me as the ninja under the kage sent notice to bot bother me if i dont live the forest or go on a rampage they tried to seal my energy but wen they did managed to place the sealing thing on my head but the next moment a pilar of void energy burned the seal as the ambu who was preparing to tie and sent me to the one eyes chin scared idiot as wen the seal was cleared i saw them burst like foesh baloons as theyr remenants reformed into a pare of people a male and a femeale with all theyr knolege split perfectly as they designated themselfes as queen and drone that i shortened in Que and Dron they bowth have the respective ability's as then Dron comenced to dig and dig as he stored the erth he excavated as he then expeled the erth wixed with some internal fluids aka creep to make floor and walls as the creep spred no more than a meter from the fundstion as the exterior of the home ganed a wood like texture and smell but it was seamless as inside the house the walls were as marble but maluable and rather confortable like the pating in a insane asilem to keep the guys from bashing theyr heads open as rooms were made and stares to the baisment that was quite expeded enoth to fit a lab but only the same floor and wals all coverd in fluffy tiels as i made all the place perfect for resting and combat me not exiting from the forest made the old man a bit curious as he came to check on me he was suprised as he saw the fouse surounde in a meter of perfect lawn grass conexting to the nice wood house and he enterd it seaing new faces too my Quee who was weaving threds from her mouth into clothes as Dron was digging and conpresing the dirt after separating all the nutrients minerals and other things in separated piles were he then compreses them in brick like cubes i was reating on my bed aka hamak made of the moast plesent silk he was polite as he asked who she was and how did this nice loking building came up she told him bluntly that Dron made this house in a few hours by mold8ng the dirt with his unique mutations met for crafting buildings and gathering minerals as she introduces herself as Quee she is suprizingly beutifull but the thred poot him off a bit as she pointed my direction as he came and woke me up as he talked with me about ninja stuff and just now noticed that from my previous energy amount he felt my present energy duble than my previous one as my eyes are still active never stoped theyr usege as he saw the multipe colored tomoe combine and form a seven pointed pentagram as he felt something off to his body as his skin was still looking old his joints and internals were returned to his prime i smiled and tood him don't indulge yourself in any of the main seven deadly sins if you don't want to be colled a demon, and if you do don't you dare make my favorite forth, kages son into a wepon if you do not stop the spred of the secret well there will be no more you to worry of this village since I will tell him evrithing wen he reaches my visible age right now, as he fels his sins croling on his back as then I let him return to his papers as I went to rest.