I woke up as then my eyes opened my flesh shivered and the next moment it became wight as marble then the next moment it changed to a sponge-like texture to return to normal as the next minute I commenced to be split bit by bit as then I reconstructed myself so many times it resembled a sand tornado it ended when my body was in a constant state of being deconstructed and reconstructed at an atomic level and at that point all the genes I collected became absolute for myself but I kept adding genes 8n it to have a chaotic aspect to my existence well since each true cut to any of my veins will expel drops of my blood that will rapidly evolve in random creatures from hostile to friendly all on the luck of the guy who hurt me anyway after I felt my body becomes completely as I desired I proceeded to assimilated my overmind self as I stored the pocket universe in my core cells as then I wen in my inner verse to gather the sun like structure that irradiated the planets there with power's as then i sent it in the poket universe as i made some vents to replace the former sun with smaler wells of energy of one tipe each then i comenced to set up them in save modes so no one can mess with my power well and then i returned to slumber the process was quite exosting as such good night.