261. bothersome players.

I woke up the ministrations of some of my imps and felt around my cave some small clusters of players some had the mark the others, not I felt they nature slowly change unnoticeable for them but enough for me to feed off their new habits and fun in the night the imps became a bit restless but visiting the marked ones managed to release the tension they had, as I was notified that they somehow managed to get me a stat sheet like the others my level was with multiple question marks as my stats well some were not countable as such they just placed an infinity mark my stamina, charisma, health, and endurance have the mark as the rest were in millions or soo anyway I was treated as NPC of sorts I had the idea of making quests and it bade gathering animals faster then usuals as I got my imps evolved with the various traits of the dinosaurs and creatures slowly tsking over the zone were I arrived then the raid begone due to unexpected situation they went to deliberate this zone from my firm delicate and dexterous grip the plant and animal life grew more lush and abundont maiby to much we crushed the players that became hostile , n3ver neaded to kill them since a setthen brand can make them spon only around here and wen they are in a rather small comparativly to the hole iceland is coverd by my influence enoth to know the placement of every player with the brand or the mark and since the branded ones are ujuly hunted by the imps and theyr larger forms for ...raght playing , i thinck one of them is a masakist hmm i need to change his punishment if its true, anyway the majority players here are inmates and some agents using this game as a well simulation to train my arival here was unexpected and rather unchaingable since i am out of the programing of theyr now world simce i arived here the game changed irrevocably as the server became a world of its own as i felt it stabilizing from day to day and the conection with the players becomjng more natural as they will be capable to come to this world and the other planets as now all the servers are sent to planet to another i happend to be in the seever with rather well corupt influences i progected my home and had fun with it then i returned to take a nice rejuwinating nap.