271. checking my house and stuff.

I entered the house with the hidden ky as I then went to prepare myself some food to keep this body in function as I analyzed the class as I started thinking of a way to reason my new capabilities well adding my new host's ability's with my own as I decided on the way of the puppet maker and puppet monarch as I commenced to knit a puppet from my extra threads as I made a treasure orb to act as its core my own was now seating snugly between my hart and ribs as I got the hang of controlling it as in a few days I made a strategy since my puppet was of the size of huggy with good stretchability as I exited the home I packed it in my backpack as I returned to the guild as I updated my status as I told them I had a second awakening and after some more papers I was asked to show my skills to note if my class will get placed von another level or stay the same for a bit of time as then I asked for some gates and was sent with a team I deployed my doll as I colled them in the guild as I got the atention of my fellow hungers we went thrue battle as i used the crossbrow as my doll bkilled the incoming enemies i enjoyed the vew of a lancky blue huggy woggy riping my enemies apart and then taking the materia that have no value to absorb and make more thred as he grew in thickness and strenght my teammates were very strong and so some days went by as i colected a alrge amount of threds and then i returned to rest for a bit .