251. going to the end of it.

as I woke up I checked the room to see the kids still sleeping as I dressed and I went to the R.o.r as I gathered any information I needed as then I checked the book of rebirth where I saw the ingredients and ritual I required as I saw I needed the flames ashes and father of a fine that happens to be the pet of the old fool as I then prepared some distractions and when he went to stop them I entered the office as I saw him sleeping I went to his cage as I pooled a feather waking the bird then I plunged my hand in its small chest as I poled its hart out as I supplied it with energy and saw the bird die I got some of its flames and then ashes then I teleported in the ror were placed the items I gathered from it as then I went to gather some other materials like the flesh and scales of s dragon and then some other materials like the hear of a very beautiful creature as I then took its hear as I left it alive and then went to gather some other stuff to get my evolution on the way as then i took the gifts i was born with in this world and tore them from my present body as then i placed them in the circle as i snaped my finger as a wave of monsters comenced a attack on the school and it was at the time wen the rest wood go to eat as i saw the holds being infiltrated with orck's as then i comenced my rebirth as the items around ne were devowered by my gifts as nature energy along with the one found evriwere as i was ingulfed in the feonex flames distroing the base house elf form i owned as then the materials finished fusing in my soul flames that floted down to the ashes were my body gatherd them and formed a seed that planted itself in the building as then a large amount of magic got atracted and made the seed grow and it grew to such a extet that it cood be sean from the outside of the school were i saw the fool alongside some other wiserds scared of the events as my form was forming the tree was being compresed into it my eyes glowed as a cloth coverd them as i stood on my hoves from wich fur coverd my feet until it hit my waist as from it a toned body was showen sculpted and wight as marble then as green tatoos were shown on my frame as from my back to large bird like wings with pinty bits ar some parts maiking me more daingerous loking my reserves were now hay as such i started by fixing the school as then i flew to the atmosphere were i grew my size untill i was the same hight of the school as then i comenced a special rituals as all the wiserds that enter the school from now of will be shown theyr idiotic nature in the time of sleep , the curse named wiserds stupidity as they will now know it as then i conpresed my form to a normal stature a head tooer then the local half giant as then i wen to get the red gem that i procesded to eat as then i got the one who shod not be named and tore his soul out of his former vessl as i proceaded to devower it to gsin all his knolwge and then i helped the young poter as i revived his parents and kiled the one who kept the secret releasing the truth to the world as then i opend the door and enterd my bed room were i murged with prime as then we went to sleep.