274. bothersome day.

I woke up with a rather large craving for some food and such I went to the food room where I grabbed my favorites and went around as I ate them as I arrived at the tv room I sent a couple of cells and after adding to it some genes I sent it as I saw it fly around as I arrived in a southern world as it implanted themselves in a body as then the body shuck and after few minutes rose as a base zomby under my control as I moved around this forest I went hunting and after few failed attempts I managed to catch a rabbit as then I took a large bite out of its head as then I discovered the brain and after I finished eating it and then my body started to crack as my flesh become reinvigorated as my body changed from its grey and dead to red color from my fingers claws formed alongside with my dull teach becoming sharpened and my hear turned wight as my sclera turned black and the rest red and grey and as this acquired my clothes that were just dirty rags became nothing but shreds I sat down as my body finished ajusting my eyes's were closed for a mit of time as i checked my suroundings nor recognizing the location around here since i felt more pray around here ue to the viral insinct i have right now the prfect t virus will distabilize only if i dilute it in any other substance then my own blood my hart is bitting and my body requireds a bit more sustanance as i started gathering pwer yea by eating difrent foods as the no humans yet here i wandered the forest i got myself a cave as my strength was well good enoth to dig deepr as my claws grew sharper and stronger as my mucles condensed to keep my power but keep a slimer size i was short with hear covering my eyes from vew as my claws resembled now long neals i have made some clothes from hide as i furnished my litle home i finished geting s human enoth form with gloves and clothes as i repared some stuff to with i sat on my pelt pile were i took short nap.