I woke and saw that I was well-rested as my energy was finally stable I walked out of my room and checked on father work as he was checking on the goodbye passage as the plumbers temporary closed the based on the earth I sent him the message that I would go around the world and if times allow we can meat up well except the holiday's as then I made a mana disc it was imbued with my spectral energy as it was invisible to normal people they saw me hover a few inches off the ground as I mimicked the posture on a skate as a blue blurry form to keep the appearances I went rather fast and wen the semaphores were red I made an incredible jump surprising sometimes people, as I went and escaped the city I kept going people, saw my nonchalantly go up an incline to not increase my speed when going on a decline I arrived at the next city and then the next and so on as I visited the seven wanderers as I hunted animals for protein and using mana constructs as beds in forests and yes I can make long lasting constructs as i went i continued my creativity treining and overcomplicating them for prisons even if they are temporary, i checked on the time line as things will go i will be occasionally visiting them i kept my distence from them as i serched for the charms and the anoing book i managed to get the han on the book as then i went after the charm of resurection before he manged to get his hands on them , i took care to hint of the other one the book made it easy to controll the luck charm as now i had a pasive luck factor activating ony wen i wood be i gainger and such as qny guys with bad karma got less well lucky around me i helped people wen neaded i passed by a doctor as i saw his invention slowly growing and well i will return to grab it before he goes on his criminal start i went around even passed by the forever nights they were still bothersome i got myself a armure from one of them i took my energy to it as i carved many runes soked in plasma as from a normal metal armure i managed to make a living armure and a storing easily in my chest cavity after i minimized it and any other thing i got on the roede i had my hands on a tecnomagicle cube in theyr posesion as i discoverd its a very reliable storege thing i activated it with magic and found in it a gene sample i stored it in my chest cavity as the rest of my stuff my armure drone was slowly soking in my mana as growths made of cristal slowly formed on it as i wandered the world i didnt' go to egipt untill i got a god way to get wather and by that i ment magic the book had ways to runes and spels but not the basic stuff i need to figure out the way to cast them the luck charm was esely made due to the incantation and saturation of the energy i took the pages about it and glued them maiking them seamingly nonexistent as then i checked the other charms and theyr aplications i went and snifffed out Hex and his grandother so o can get some lessons and wen he incountered me he was in the midle of a spell and such , the lucky tatoo as its on my spiritual formas i call my ectonurite/anodite form i thinck of coling it ectonodite from now on or spiritula form easy on the memory i checked on my brow try got themselfes some wifes well try were oreoering for the wedings they were suprised wen the final line was sead as a light show of the too was made behind them as i stood on the tollest spot father and mother were present since this was a quite special ocasion and due to me coling them after some time i was given the notice of the mc and his sidekick being born i visited them quite cute but too loud for me father became a granpa as mom a granmaw i had quite the fun passing tiem to time by them as the years went by father noted that from wen i hit my adulthood i stoped ageing resembeling a twenty yer old and staying like that father was suprised wen i showed him my soul form as i coll it and wen he saw me lifting the shirt of my body for him to see black marcks just like the ones on the rest of my body as i smothly opened the chest cavity were insted of blood and guts a purple portal resided as i plunged my hand in as i pulled some stuff he was suprised as i polled a large blade to just send it back in and few minutes laighter poling a belt seamingly made out of interloking black metal plates he got the gift as he felt a conection to it after he loked it insted of his normal one i tood him to tuch the belt buckel as he felt his non human genes resead as the belt turned normla , as i told him the belt hides the traces of the ectonurite genes as they can be reactivated as wanted with a mental comand as the belt acts as a amplifier as well as he pressed the buton he was coverd by a lear of material covering evrithing except his eyes as he cood breath thrue the material and he felt new apendiges under his covers as he was suprised as he was on his feet as the abilitys he had were amplified he still had the belt now seamingly being part of his costume the material was enchanted well so even a tanck round will not couse large anounts of damage he presed the belt buckle once more so he returned to his normal form he was suprised as i told him even if he dose not need it its a lear of protection if thi gs flow in a bad direction i will give my bros and new sisters somethi g similar so they may live a bit safer lifes with less daingers as i gave them from belts for my bros to hear pins or rings as they chose i visited my favorite kids i gave them gifts and wenever i scaned theyr bodys with my mana to see if they were bering the gift and as such i saw as time flew hex contacted me time to tiem asking about intresting things happening as i asistes him with some rather dai gerous ceremonies as he grew i managed to borrow his staff as i used it as its intended purpose by absorbing its energy and refiling it for multiple revolutions my mana got even more pure along side with my ectonewrite powers my purple color became even more depper shade as it was somehow more concentrated i felt it right i returned the staff as hex checked my body as he got quite the intrest in it as time went he saw my un ageing self he was suprised wen he saw me exit it as in front of him a human figure with a main of tendrils insted of hear light purpel eyes a mouth filled with sharp teath and claws were my finger are as some bone like plates were around my hands like armore as on back a spine and ribs structure of black bones showing even on my chest as around my face a skull like black markes started forming slowly in tiem now being just a fadeing shapes i showed him my rather misical origins he was wuite jelos as i explained wath my body is as then he understood its made out to look like a human but insede was only hallow as only mucles and some rudimentory digestion function for the easy way to feed it i enterd it by the belly opening resembeling a jaged grinning maw hex was suprised wen i took control of it since it was just there waithing paciently with a smile on its face i finished my lesons as he started hunting for his trejures he never thincked that i wood have the luck or rezurection charm that i hid in my body as in the spiritual form was the luck charm tatoo coverd by skin like bandages i can produce the stuff skin pealingly easy no pain or anithing the regenearative power of the flesh bag was rather impresive as i can somewath controll the flesh as its proprietys were rather diverse and as it can be fused with more of itself wen i mix the peaces and they act as streching pudy ish as after i finished mixing it and making a long sheth it became fermer and such i can add mana to it and other things to change theyr proprietys i can alsaw make threds out of it strechi leathery threds strong enoth to be used even to knit things i made some covers for some parts of my spiritual form and some underpants for my body since the material is rather confortable and rather brethethrue as i had felt no disconfort i checked the plumber bases so no suprises will show up i alwredy sealed the arms of armsgedon into a special chest indestructsble unless someone finds the thee kis alsaw the null progector can be used ony to seal evil and i alsaw placed a trap on it as wen any with inpure thoghts try to us it they will be theone to the null void as the plumebers will be well notified as its required for criminals to pay theyr desths the rv was inspected by me as i left a tracking charm for. safekeeping as I returned to my home as I went to my bed aka hammock and I went to sleep.