289. sending once more a fragment.

I open my eyes as some bodies were detected over my body I twitched and then my body was replaced by a pillow as I went around while I checked the most important parts of the Furness as I checked as I healed and repaired those things unthinkable and bothersome as such I keep the others not aware of them as I checked the more comprehensible parts as the next minute I appeared on my seat where I started to separate the soul fragment and a few cells as I made a start for a random new lifeform it will undoubtedly bee humanoid as I checked the data it received undoubtedly being random I then I corrected any problematic miss matches as I considered the compatibility as then I sent it to the compatible world as then I sent it with my spark of will as such I analyzed it I fixed the deviation points as he went through the world as I saw any anomalies and deviations well except my little avatar his dealings usually get me the route of their problems as he enjoyed his world while I do enjoy the chaos my thoughtless avatar dose it was intriguing theyr plans and such keeping just a side eye on the avatar i can observe all the other places as i gathered the data and such i saw untill he reached his cronologicle end and some to get enoth energy and power to gather power so i can fuse the cells properly as i took care to not missplace other cells as i neaded to rethread them in theyr proper places as i saw him redy as i made a portal to him as i sent him to me as i asimilated evrithing as i got the memory and other stuff as i absorbed and relocated the new cels as i compresed the extra ones as then i returned to my bed room were i took my powce in my bed as i drifted to sleep.