we woke and then I made my next avatar as so did Crona we loke like humans but had other ability's alongside the tattoos that represent ower favorite ones we mostly used it was quite obvious but the thing is we dutifully think of ower body before we entered and their compatibility with ower primes ai call them I did take care to mold them with the human visage to not make to much alarm we opened the door as we were on the ower bed resting as the avatars walked we emerged out as I checked around me, horns and pure wight skin red eyes and main of hair, clothing as shorts and a T-shirt, next to me Crona pure black like having melanism long wavey hear a nice dress of green and a sun hat with her hair hiding a couple of tendrils bladed or not depending on her desires we went around to end in the near city a large vehicle was sean driving Crona stoped it with four of her tendrils to on the ground and to hold onto it as then a guy bold top-heavy and a long nose he souted at us then he souted freze ray as he pooled a gun to get sead gun burst in flames as it turned to ciocolate , he dis react quite funny and kept shouting other guns that all ended in ciocolate formes of the former arsenal we he stoped he was quite anoyed as he shot me with something without screaming its name before the shot tore a hole right thrue me no blood no gusts spealing no nothing as the wight substance and clothes reformed i tsk't and with a snap of my fingers his vehicle was turned to molten slag that then i compresed in a ball i saw some yellow pill things exit it as they loked between us as they decided to folow me fore some reson Crona was qwite happy and theyr imortal and indestructible nature are quite fun to play with even if hey find torture intertaining there were more that kept coming i snaped my finger as the gene sample Grue kept safe was purged and replaced by a mortal version of it unknowingly to him i smield and left the over tiem around a thousand of them joined the group i dug a underground base more like a dungeon as i analised theyr genes and consequently imortality they were happy as long they had banana and other things thehr forme was reshaped to males and femeales bowth with reproductive organs of the bowth tipes but they all had a femeale shape sice Crona enjoyed playing with femeales moast of the time still having the strange languege and babble sloght change from each other some with one or tow eyes tehyr job to serve the moast evil creature still there and ower despichebleness suprised them atrocitys non deadly in particuler were sean and executed with glee i came to excalibur and the chalece were i got the sword and my Crona the chalice wich i filled with her favorite jews we took over englend and they loved it next was to send them on hunting all the other vilans that are failiures in comparation to us in theyr eyes or eye as we shealded theyr genes from any more chainges grew did try very hard to get them back since well theyr brain washing was complete and the original 230 of them were furthere enhanced to lead the clones loking like teens as the originals like adults webdid enjoy them in bowth ways we took over the world in around a weak as we distroued all newklear things made the sun vale a long sheath of a conductive substance made ino a satelite thst sent power to erth fore free us as the mision of go with the moast evil unnowingly turned to be the moast evil that keeps the world safe and happy as the humans are kept content yet not to bothersome we livedbhere for few thousen of yers ower primes were awere as i gathered enoth materials energy and after making some artificial Ai's then we well got the minions leaving the decendents of the mortal ones as theyr were sent to the evil cientists the originals as maids and such in the furness and last we fused with ower primes nothing much changed as we returned to the bed to rest nicely and safe and then we rested wile we wached PopCross multiverse art and stories.