After a few days of gathering and training my production and manipulation skills slowly fusing the similar ones as the others just got strengthened about a month later I fused dully al the mas creation skills and the ability to mold move and rapidly make objects and parts I ended making buzzsaws of half ower size and I can control a dozen of them wile mothers bracers on both feat and wrists were strong enough to resist quite a few blows from strong opponents I overlapped my flesh on the outside part with spikes and other things to make it more painful for others to hit me and Mom she also told me to make them interchangeable with something a bit more harmless as such I made fur that can harden like a hedgehog when in combat the charm and influence slowly developed to make me or my host more trustworthy and to cute to harm well still in progress since monsters are not affected by it I was announced that Garo was captured and recovering I came to his room since the minute he was broth i got mom to sleep as i entered the room as he was unconscious his clothes were covered in blood that was getting harder i checked his body and cleaned his clothes repleasing them with raps all over his body they will cooperate with hay natural regeneration to keep him going longer i manipulated some special gene sequences so the clothes may grow with him a full body black mummy suit with complete movement range and so elastic it can fit him fifty times his original size his hear was red alsaw one of his eyes i serched for a guy that broth the kid garo wanted to save i did meat the blade hands guy he was called Royal reaper his strenght was weack he cood not even pearse thue my flesh-bandages as i broth him coser and closer to me wile more and more wraps coverd him his hong black hear in my grasp i was holding him as he was well wraped my maw opend to the words : no harming kids you do that any of you do that you life is forefit understood dolly if i sea any kids get killed or even hurt i will devower any of you streap of flesh at a time understod, he nodded his head after wich some of the bandsges grabed the kid as we held him as i cave him a small cloke that will help him survive then we left the former wraped up Royal reaper the bug king was shivering my aura that was amolified by the charm made a fealing of terror wile i intentionaly made the spots in contact with the kid soft and safe i caried the kid with me as i know wath will hapan i went to boss were i checked on the mass of flesh she told me of the progress at the eroding of the things mind was around fifty percent and wen she will fuse with it it will be completly under her sway and in time she will complety take over it , i told her i am going and that the battle between the tow factions are not survivable to me or mother we then went after i gave her a hug since she acted as my catalist we folowwd the way were the kid eachaped last time as garo came with us he best all on ower way as the battle started he changed with each battle and since the kid was safe after the guys i kept safe wile the strongest monsters and such he wen insane for a bit after few batles with his former master he reganed himself there was the moment wen the herows battled him he was then saw saytama battle with garo he was fread form the shell but my bandages just streched and fixed itself back into a skin tite suit confy he then went to trayn longer as he became stronger and became a Antyhero to keep safe the world i wached as the heroes turned to me my tflesh-bandages retracted around my mothers head and moved the cloke out of the way my face lowered in front of moms brests holding them from gogeling at her beutifull face they all sweat droped wen she smield alongside my surpizing chilish voice from the maw on my face-mask my eyes moved from person to person i removed alwredy the bandages on the kid as mom told them wath she wood nead to know she pointed the way as we arived home garo left as he got himself s job they didnt thinck to stop me and some of them having a blush made things easely i was tood of things as we enterd ower home i was off wen mom entered the dore she was toned and in lengere i was on the ground as i left the mass that was on garo it did send me the data and a gene pacage i used to make a sudobody around a teen size all of overlaped bandsges and after that i coverd the rest with a lear of liquid forming a skin like texture we lived at home for some time wile i got some more usefull genes as some monsters were qean to focus on us but esencialy we got self sustanence capability along with a coloring ability quite intresting he relly tried to hide in plane sight i placed on the side of the fake face my true one as the eyes were still moving i finished the look wile then she huged me knowing i was no longer normal it took me aome time to move properly as human i wa sent to school as mom kept doing her job with a greate ease due to her new inproved body i lived a almoast normal life for a cuple years wile i kept improving my powers mom did ask me to nake some simbiotic clothes since she did get use to me covering her after finishing a amount of learning well how much i cood with my improved mind and determination i got enoth knolege to get myself usefull tools and gagets alsaw onowing how to mak from guns to other materials i constructed some parts to make the gate i asked her about about the world travle she desiered to keep here and wen i reached my adulthood around eighteen i left after i huged her i focused as i spewed on the prepared zone energy who i concentrated in a ring wich became a dore way i jumped right thrue it as it shrincked and seald itself behin me i ended up on wet ground as i unraveled myself as i rested flatly on the ground i saw some kid of creatures that i recognise as the toller guy walcked and stept on one of my bandage'gets s the next moments were a blure as i wraped the skeletan in a ball of my bandages the liquid part coverd his bones and i expeled his battle body wile i formed a suit bloves and skinshues as i places myself on the side of his face he at first strugled but after not notising any harm except the former nude state he was he bandages retracted as Papyrus stept out his face hlf coverd as thre eyes one glowing orange loked around he acted quite shi as he felt my mass crawl over his bonesbehind the clothes i found his soul as then i coverd it in a shell my own was located inside my mask i alwredy made a shell over it as he moved without problem or discomfort Sans was woried but not completly i stood inactive for a wile as they went to Alphis to lean wath the thin on papy is wen in the lab papyrus lost controll of his body as i cracked my knuckles not damaging papy and the mask slid fully on his face as some bandages coverd his neck reinforsing it then i walcked to the elevatore were i opend it at the suprised gazes of bowth Sans and Alphis i entered and pressed the buton before they cood react papyrus was asleap i went down wen i stept out it went back up i felt Sans teleport but didnt act as i moved thrue the underground laboratory were i captured the Abominations ne by one as then i extracted the excess determination with each abomination turned to a stable form and more fizicle then mush i grew bones from papyru's back into the shape of a new speletal form generated from my flesh and part of papyru's without cousing irevocable damage wen i got the last one the body was only a torso with head and hands no legs or pelvis at least not fully formed i sat on the ground as then i transfered to my new body the bones that conected us turned to dust as i was fully on my new monster skeletan frame my face on its skull as then bandsges covered the spine completly as other parts were covered the pelvis from wich formed a kel'thuzad like cloths formed alowing me to sit and flote well the ilusion of hovering since they are soft and easy to move, me and papy were asleap my soul was still in the mask as a pseudosoul was forming as a decoy in my chest wile Sans and Alphis saw the sleaping Amalgamates wile we tow were sleaping.