322. finishing my first growth period.

I woke as I felt around me my mass which has sprees as a creep to a meter around the cave I made it all started flowing back at me as I stored the mass as energy the way of making matter and devouring it became an innate capability like breathing my charisma was growing towards trust and admiration as my skeletal body instinctively acted in a rather elegant and King like way, even I didn't notice at first then the bandages that formed my lower limbs changed some became like spider legs as the rest gained a better grip and such as when I walk I still don't produce sounds but when I want they can pass through any materials weaker than me or my materials I first tested the durability of the best materials I can make and such I learned I can make something almost strong as Titanium while it's flexible as rubber and depending on the thickness well the material can be wore like stiff clothes or armure I made my wrists and ankle bracers wile I have the clothes were imbued with my energy they became more durable and a lot more elastic resembeling cloth that i kept on my lower half as four long srips of clothes similar to a pentagonal strips of cloth with the pointy end towords the ground they almoast reached the ground as they are one each in front on the back and sides of my pelvis it was coverd by bandages of a similar materials i rose and then i checke around the cave as then i covered it up with dirt as i made my way as i climed a tree with the spike limbs as trn i proceaded to jump from tree to tree as i inpaled them for suport as such i arived at close to Papyrus's house and Sans's i saw Toriel come out of the door with tow kids i checked the souls in my ribcage to find them stable and redy for use my soul size grew wile keaping the size it still had its purity untainted with a shell adding to it to get more power wile the side didn't change it did look larger to others wile i was sean by Toriel and the kids i was waved at after wich met with sans as i told him of the au and that his universe is now part of my primes and as such under protection as i handed him the hex formula that was stabilized for monster use alongside with the human equivalent as i marcked a wall in his basement were a portal started cristalizing with the help of prime i spend a few weacks together with them as Frisk arived the bandages i opaced on the flower garden made she was firmly held no ijury only suprise as i felt her fall i anounced the last human came we finished the preparations as the birth of bandage tale finished frisk managed to eschape wile some bandages kept clinging to her clothes and body she first meat Azzy and then Chara the half slime covered skeleton well the insides at least as her limbs were covered in bandsges more then her torso they talcked and played as they went thrue the ruins meating toriel that loled normal is she did not have bandsges covering her libs under her clothes Frisk spent some time as then in a morning left acompanied by the other tow kids passing thrue the snow covered lands they saw the roial guards all with difrent bandages covering them adding new ways to attack or armore yes they all had a lesser version of my titanium bandages as i colled them they entered the snowd in even the sing had bandages around some part of it they met with six kids all wrsped in bandsges like mumies since they didnt like the cold like me or chara i dont rely know way tho since it dose not bother us too , i was wandering the tree's as i made a bandsge tree house well isolated for any ofher who want to visit me as i kept making more and more food and the spider constructs laing more bandages of difrent colores and thickne' Frisk asked wath was the giant nest of bandsges to be anserd as the one that likes to make bandsge's home or nest they dont relly sea the difrence muffet sometimes passes by fore geting me silk in exchange for unique clothes and such i kept a eye thrue the bandages like the canera's of Alphys Frisk enjoyed the walck untill and exploration Frisk noted there were no save points as i kept sifenin her determination i stedely consumed the save points all 44 of them as i saw them slowly reapear but at a less intense glow i still can eat them if i wanted the determination was suit but ok i folowed from behind theJurny wile i left the Wivers as the monster call them to keep going as each wiver was made with the remenants of the save points the parts i coos not digest and wanted to persist now bowth save points and procuting materials, the monsters know the spiders will automacly make material and wen no space is found they will make more by moving the material in odered pailes and wen there is to much material they will eat the old and recicle it to the new and such wen Frisk met Asgore i walcked in the barier room were he flinched as some of my bandages moved they plunged as i pooled the seven vesals to keep the souls stable wile i atored those i placed my hands on my ribcage as they herd a sixkening cracking sound as seven mixed colored souls exited spining in front of me and then from my maw seven res thongue,s exited and swalowed them in my mask as it glowed and covered the skeletal frame a lot more wile seven gewls surounded the purple one as i was no longer a skeletal creature well my lower half stsid the same as i then crushed the barier then after a hour i was sean glow and the seven gems shincked to a quoter of its size as my mask face retracted to its former size wile my teath became even more sharp as i got multiple eyes from the thre main ones for more apesred but i kept them closed i just got use to thee eyes it will take some time to get use to more , after the change to my normal state as they knew i sat down and after some waight of me gathering energy i was met with the skeleton kids , brothers along with Frisk and Chara, Azzy and Toriel, i talcked like no other as then with them now understanding i opend a gate with the energy i colected and left as i apeared on a hill close to a drop i sat as the gate closed i felt some kind of sting drag to my bandages as such i cut it as i colected some samples as then i found for tree's were i started making a new tree house wile doing this i was still bare on the uper part except the bandsges that floted i was of flesh with some skeletal carscteristics and still with no tow legs but the cloth limbs i finished making the home frane and then i build around it to stop any wind and such as i walcked in and i fell on my bed were i drifted to rest for few minutes as i felt something started cutting at my bandsges only to stop as i poold the sexy woman in my house with many bandsges as the oute lear changed to a metalic hue she was fully wraped in my bandsges i took a look as she had a giant pare of seazers intangled in the wall of bandsges made of metal i used her as a body pellow wile i went to sleep no more attacks were herd and her strgle stoped after she realized she cood not move any longer i took my place on her ocnocious large chest as few hours i woke i saw the girl squrm i untied her mouth to hear her say she neads to go to the bathroom soon or she will wet the confy thing she was wraped with i untied her as i threw her out to the gazes of her camarads she ran to the bathroom or jsut a tree the gap closed as i checked the flesh on my body the eight gems were still there as i made a hoody with a bunch of my bandages blending together the front poket was then filled with my tow hands the outer lare of the lower half kneted together to tow leg cover shapes like the pants of a soul reper but the pants conected to the ground as i still glided with my limbs streight only bending my kneas if necesery with one joint the knee i then walcked to the wall as i tuched it the trees were left untuched as the mas of bandsges formed a metalic loking golem of a mummy thep khufan that is top hevy and no neck he was quite sizeble as tow eye glows lithe as i placed my hand on the golem's head as then it screamed and grabed at the Assasins to just keep them from moving as then i dropped off i checked all the assasins as i took note of a blond guy i took his theads and gloves he was upset and strugleling as he saw my masked maw open and then i threw it in as i devowered the genes and strenght of the threds as they saw the bandsges on me change for s moment into similar make to the threds the guy had i gave a large burp wile i checked the people i coth there was missing a robot handed woman i went to the guy with the spear and with a smile i striped him they all were gagged i got the forever evolving thing and ate it at theyr shock only to get a pare of horns and further improving my body sturdiness and such theyr shock was wen my construct changed to a more draconic form but still formed of bandsges i returned to seat on its back as i started flying a meter off the ground i left them fall the spear guy now nude for the fun of it , i then left towords the empire as i arivedbat the gate the large golem compresed as i got a hand sized doll that sat onbmy sholder i enterd esealy and found some worck aka sold danger beast corpses for mony then i lazed in a inn both food and such there was that time some people wanted to couse truble with me to get theyr souls ripped out of them in the vew of other people they imedietly to stop took a look and then nervously made theyr way out of my way they saw the souls scream and such they were dark difrent shades but still dark i was sean crushing them with a smile as theyr screams stoped as the dust solidified in a cristsl that i shoved in my mouth to chew on the next few days i herd a anouncemet to a turnament or something i came to it and at each battle i used only my bandages to throu out or nock out cold i did battle with a sword wealealder as then he was threw out of the wring i then was meat with a blue heard girl she was curious as she told me of my prise being her husbond my eyes blincked as then she was suprised as wen she wanted to put the coler some bandsges grabes her hands as then she asked me way did i stop her to get the question if she desiered to colore me due to seaing me as weack i tore the coler out of her hand as i stored it on my side as i tapped on my hody moving the mask half way to line the eyes on my right side as one normal red eye on the right of deep purple my dolls hear was of a deep red i gave her a smile charming turning to movking she was stunde as then i coverd my face back up wile from the sholders to the finger tips were coverd by the bandsges as i saw her geting redy and webdid battle i was imune to cold as it never botherd me anyway i got her after half a hour of battle quit i fun adapted and got her the color on her neck wile her wight clothes were scraps i made some new formed from my confortable bandsges sealing any wonds and olaces were only i am alowed to observe , then i got her in a princess carry as we went to the palace were she reported about me wile i stayed there like a subordonat to insult the idiotic emperor then geting chalsnged by the royal guard and then getim him a one less limb ticket wile i checked his limb and then dropped it off wile i then lectured the emporer and gave him tonthinck about after that we went to Esdeaths room were i took my sleap.