I woke and checked the zones while things were acquired in the big shop I opened a Garganta while I felt the soul shards in the mangled piles in the old feasbears pizzeria, I pooled them to me then I left I took the first step while I felt smog try to enter my lings only to get dissolved into useful material I checked the content all pollutants I saw myself on an ally I felt humans all with different states of degradation or mechanical addition's I restructured the excess mass to be human shell innards and everything I changed my eyes and with some fake prosthetics and some useful things with a maw holding onto a cylinder in the desine of a bamboo segment I stretched and wandered the place as they were busy and such I analyzed the things wile and found out were Ainz is, I also learned that ygdrasile is in its tenth year I found a rich bastard made him an offer in exchange for a way that his bloodline can survive in the toxic environment outside with no mechanical enhancements and his kids will keep spreading this gene after few questions he broth forword his wife so the bowth can survive i agreed as i made too monster souls with hex genes and such they became more fit and heltlyer they did give me a large amount of mony and a home with one reality game gear i took a seat and loged in ygdrasile made my carscter as a Arch demon of sloth after wich i went around gathering usefull materials i asked the devs fore some special rool play items with me flavoretexting them into superior items in the new world and maiking my onw powersbcoded in the new body wile plasing a back up to get the body wich is now partionaly resting as a part of its mind is plaing i meet the Ainz oul goul i asked if i can join and they gave me a thumbs up as my worck is quite intensive and a member of this society Ainz or better said Momanga was fealing off about me but no ill will i got my. hands-on as many world items as I could by buying them from people that leave the game for my horde and my casual playing the leveling was monotonous but fast due to pay to win I convinced the mighty devs to allow me to have a unique item named the world trees reality marble a marble that holds on to the world tree with all its realms and nonplayer people I flavored some other things while I added some other things as flavor text as time went and the main 41 supreme beings dwindled I saw Ainz getting upset I told him that everything will be well I also bribed all the 42 supreme beings to stay online for the end of this as most of them wanted to I made them bring their dear ones as they chose races that don't conflict with their original selves I saw as they all appeared in a circle holding hands while the staff of Nazarick was outside the throne room we all held hands and as the clock hit zero and then it hit one we all were present and active I started to burst out in laffter wile a garganta oppend as i walcked in the room they all were preocupide with theyr new bodys i huged my demonic part i integrated in its body wile it became my new body souls refusing wile ower minds melded perfectly then they saw as my demonic avatar that resembled a teen with red hear red eyes with black sclura and i wore a black t shirt and a jacket with no pokets and pure wight skin a pure wight clouds formed around me and setled itself under me as i rested wile they saw marcks form on my body like my primes tatoos i chuckled and my servent came as i sumond Tricky a femeale zomby of green skin with a facemask made of metal like tow olates of metal fused with tow holes fore eyes and six were the mouth is she wore a grey gress as wen her mask is off from her upper lip down to her neck was raw red flesh wile her lower lip was there showing her sharp teath and wen in combat forme her face and claws are only thing visible wile they enlarge to have the rest of the body becoming flames and yes she has Mandy hear that seam to point uppwords that are of a deep red her voice was gravely and plesent her favorite line is YOU SEE YOU DIE as she charges in front since she is a piugelist of the hayest ranck with her last ratial levels bein in Madness Clown as i desined that ratial trate on her upper lip it is sean a blue lipstick as on her lower one there is red blood red i saw the colore she grabed herself it was to help her with the posture of her neck since as a member of the undead race that is still capable of live birth due to some special flavore text and her wepon a stop song with a exclimation mark after wich i checked and she told me of her last form being avealebe now with the broken halo neading to be sumoned as her face becomes more skeletal her body were wonds are present glow red wile her hear grwos a bit not much and she can sumon large amounts of pop up minions similar to her look but male's beast's and monsters' i did hug her aince she was perfected as she came alive a jolly and kind personality acentuated by her desiere to purge enemye's that i decide are daingerous and such i loked at the others who finished with the suprised looks at theyr bodys and such i smiled as i shown wath i knew and that the npc's are now like people free from the shakles of theyr restreints placed my the dm's as they never thoght they may develope more then they were i knew but they alwredy formed theyr souls so i am taiking my partner as we now will leave have fun with your new clean world make sure it dose bot turn like the last one, Tricky came to me and huged my hand between her large personality we reached a small vilege Karn as i knew it Tricky checked the olace as she was indifrent from theyr gazes i felt enemy's come well theyr were here just plunging swordsin the viligers body's i asked Tricky to gather the siners the people in armore so i can check on them i saw her ewuiping a jet pack as she prepared her guns and metal sing large battle axe bladed on bowth sides she was back with them tied with the guts of one knight that was still screaming i chuckled as the viligers saw the grusome display in the midle of the vilege they saw me on the clowd lazy she jumped on me with a happy smile i huged her as the cloud moved closer turning in a throne with a small incline to allow me to see then i asked them way did they attack the vilege that broth quite the intertainement for me since well a few hours ago since they are quite intresting i then striped them from theyr metal armore turning it to piles of metal i then allowed them to run wile taiking the corpse away i laffed at them then i took the metal scraps and made aome usefull armore and tools wile the vilifer chiff cane to me by himself he hesitently questiond me as i lerned he is wuite good Tricky was enjoing that they are not hostile we ended the talck with me giving the new chif tow govlin hornes and tow crafting golems large body strong and good to cary from houses to julery of large ranck i then moved to the outscurts of the town as i left them to morn theyr dead i first pooled metals from the ground i decided to make my house on after wich i flatend the terrain as i melted the rocks, metals and such to fom alloys and such with bowth metals and stones building a mancion from ground up with a cupple baisements all precious materials inside forming from furniture to tables and such as i made a water bed and such we ended with my cloud becoming a matrice and a chear that moved me around we made some food ate and went to sleep together as she removed her mask poaising it on the stand then we changed to pijamas hers are colorefull like a clown suit wile my own was shorts and a t-shirt we went to sleep.