After the punishment was dealt I learned quite the things I made a golem to writhe down all it was required was then to send it to the others as I then with Tricky got myself a vehicle a large wagon made of marble and obsidian with silver and other minerals pooled by creatures better not messed with a set of contours that have quite the pleasure pulling stuff around we reached a zone were some bandits attempted to well do bandit stuff to only be food for the pets Tricky got on the way a large dier troll and a couple of lesser undead with the purest death mana around they were from a few ghouls to some skeletons sentient enough to fear us and pledge they're diligence I did sculpt them to make it easier to bring with us we did also grant the Aphety skill getting them to be more like the others of the ower side I did check around as we saw Moman and his adventurer's friends they were heading towards the village I did stop and ask where they are heading towards I told them about the new walls and the safe space i made there mite be some new things in the vilege dont get to on the offensive as then i threw a bag at the big guy in black full armore seaing do make a good impresion and dont mess with my astate the mony is for not geting you to mess with it got it , since the rest are winps you too Nabe bas i pointed towords the made mage, then i made my way to her the renound alchemist as i learned from the kid Enfuria or something i nocked and we entered after few talck i managed to hier her to come to the vilege in the specielized building that rose up right a minute before Ainz and his adventurers freands arived in the vilege were a empty spot was the walls were larger then the vilege as it stood in the modle of it on a artificial hill i made,she asked about Tricky but they got along as she made conversation with the fighter since there are good potions for front liners and for after the fight to reduce the recovery time and such the ideas did bring her intrest i broth forewords a minor set of each tipe she had mony in her eyes i did hier a cuple adventurers to bring her and her son to the vilege safely i then asked if we can weit here untill her nephew comes so we can personaly tell him the knews as see if he has enothing agents it she was suspecius but we were given a cuple seats in the weithing area and she weithed at the counter still maiking talck with Tricky she saw that clouds formed under me as i fell asleap ,the old wokan was curious to get the answer ,dont worry that happens offten since he is becoming a Arch sin of sloth as naps are neaded to keep him from being grumpy , and after a few sweet drops she ignored me i felt the kid coming back with the crates they entered the shop with the Aventurers asisting him carry the hevy things notising me and Tricky the old woman told them to not wake me and to keep doing wath they were starting they did so and wile it happend i felt a low karma presence not like my own i am true neutral as i dranck from a special world item that neutralised any negative or positive karma my skills are still perfect i saw her lurck and wait for the adventurers just to be tied by a rope-clowd she hit the ground as she strugled i woke with a frown as the old woman saw me she paniked only to see me pass her to the back were the next moment i pooled a woman in a cloke tied in a rather perverted way in the range of massakism on her i smiled as i coverd her in the cloud as i took my seat back sometimes twiched happend and the adventurers and the tow alchemists sweet droped since they know dont mess with a Arch sin they propably asked Moman after they asked the viligers about they'r saiviour and propable new owner i, i told the kid about the proposal he saw the potions and i thinck he saw the new laboratory and the sing with Alchemist kid check the lab dont tuch the ewuipment untill you make the decision with your granmother, and after a short talck i got bowth to agree then i loked a moman as i pointed to him asking for him to help with a quest he joined me with Nabe we walcked to the gates that were banged at by the undead i asked to open the gates they were scepticle but with a bit of presure they opend it as all the undead fell to bits as tehy reached in my Aura zone passivly killing any weacklings the world item i am keeping on me did improve all mycroud control capability's as my one to one combat is with my body as the wepon, we reached the zomby maiking place i got the girl from my clowd chere as she was out of it all blushed and well mind broken as i did fill her with the astonishing amount of plesure she dosen no longer live for enothing but me, she sang like a bird with a healing potion and a stamina potion as then i lerned of all she did after she was finished i shoved her back in the chear were i coverd her up he did aske me if i am relly keaping the creazy as told him yes i am kesping her and that she will be a grate slave since she was a pshihopatic murderer and wood have killed your new Aventure freands and waisted a usefull item lets get the old man who want to be undead king hehe please turn into your overlord form Ainz sama and yes you are taking the name as you are the leader do make them enjoy this new life , after wich we went and got the item si got the old man for my colection leaving a perfect flesh copy with a special spell Corpse dubleganger as i finished i went home were i made the old fool into a skeleton then evolved him into a elder lich geting him some mana regenerating items to were and last a coler of eternal obidience as we went to the bed were i fed my new maid with a fruit from the igdrasile tree that i have growing in my poket world made from my infinite iventory then we went to sleep.