343. the next part.

After I finished the updates I stretched and left this world as my big belly resurfaced I arrived at a scrap yard where I saw a vehicle inhabited by humans and a large-ish monster I approached it as I tied its tendrils around my waist I took control over it and then removed the metal shell it was ready out and saw its humanoid torso with a pair of large ears I think they may form an intimidating mask I got the little guy and paid with it the humans were still inside the house and the woman that drive here got spooked and the kid I grabbed him as we made ower way out he was scared at first but we meet its parent it was curious as I smelled like the kid and pup I had at hand it grabbed both of us her kid and me with the kid we arrived at a large scrap yard we spent time there together I talked with him and thought of the purpose of the creature I saw as some humans were ruffled I left the kid with the creatire as I gathered the alive humans as I checked on them I alwredy after some tiem he got hungr like the creature it fed on the metal and such as its pup ate like itself i made some sandwiches and drinck for all the humans there i then saw as some worckers enter the cave and as they got close the kid ran to its mother and fother wile the worckers that were prepering to kill the creature i did stop and tell them that in the csve there sre spiders that are ambush predators wile the big fellow likes to eat metals and poastics since its degrstive track has a such strong acid it wood melt humans esely if it did so but its a metal and plastic feder i saw them not lisen i showed my second form and thight them the leson as i saw the family leve wile the spiders stressed by the large amount of food i saw as they got attacked i tood them as then the larger monster distressed screamed and scared the spiders geting some of them to faint as then others understood bowth in fear and understanding they left ashamed i then waved st the tow creatures as then i closed the cave wile i got myself some recicletors genes as i call it i infused it within myself as a art as i ganed its power its cuteness and terrorfing power as my mask became horns-ears that can move to be my mask or like elk horns but a bit more fleshy they were covered a bit with my res hear hiding in my hear i checked its power as i ate some coins they were digested and used to reinforce my body wile some spikes grew on my back that i can shed at will that i can shape and mold at will usefull as i kept doing such with other materials i opend the next garganta as i arived on a dead opanet made of metal rust and such i used my third form to make multiple dolls with its genes as i saw them devowere the entiere sibertrone even the last peace then i devowered them geting a nice amount of materials metals erth stone and such i finished doing it and then i made my way to the next world and i landed on erth as the life on it was not developed yet as such i made metal version of the matter converters as i changed theyr designation for this show as erth was consumed alongside with problematic dark spark it was spicy as i personaly devowered it the knolege was intresting i finished with the planet that out to be erth in the future i arived on the moon as i then left opening a Garganta and i reached a new world wile my resorses were stored safely wile i finished with all preparations i took my first step as i felt problems coming i crushed any anoing people in thsi dimension as i saw fusions of dc and marvel only to fall at my strenght bowth villans and heroes they were suprizingly bothersome i crushed my way to the core of the planet since i felt it is a doomed universe i took the core in my poket world after wich i sent hundreds of mass converters equiped with usefull genes and materials it ended wen the planet was perfectly striped from materials as i then kept this up with half the dammed worlds as wen i finished a door opend as i fused with my prime sending all the usefull materials safe for use of the reserchers wile i sent the exceptional people to the wor world on zones equal to theyr strenghts as i went to my bed room and went to sleep.