348. and the third one.

I woke to an energy accumulation forming outside my Hive house I received the memories that my little queen in the x man school she got well with many of them and managed to get Wolverine interested and did it with him his genes were useful as she grew her regeneration capabilities alongside with new retractable claws to any extremity she desires she did get in the beds of more male metahumans gathering powers like gifts Profesor x understood her needs and did allow her to do as it was necessary as he knew if she kept it piling up the need she might go on a rampage or rather lewd consequences I laffed as the gene data were quite useful since the ones from the mixed universe were halfway off more or less I got lucky with super doom my hive mind already made juggernauts and such from the gene I got from the strongest in that world I walked out of the door to see a bold woman he was upset and with a very un-noticeable blush as she saw with her future sight the rather lewd traps she would have fell in i sea she is tempted since her other selfs do react in such lovly ways i in present sea her hold her other hand as her sturn look has micro facial movements i did sea them but i just snaped my finger and made too seats confortable and such we talcked she was cute i during the first hour of talck i made some tea and such she unhesitently took a seap as she smield i had a good time with her as a few hours passed we then went i felt a new conection and i felt her holding onto him quite small and human loking being it acted corectly as a child but wen she interacted with him she well was induced in becoming like a mother towords him they did try to separate them but well that olny showed the changed that acured to her like the claws, exoskeleton wings and egg maiking abdomen that formed from her tale bone it loked like a spiders lower segment from wich it can spee string but for her she has many capability from demizerg to a special paiste that sintesizes sunlight to nutrients in form of fungus ketured to any species and if its concentrated enoth it can make demicreep a half way off to being normal creep she asked for a house away from people for the start so she can test her half zerg biology the lower abdomen retracted back in her body wen her stress levels lowered and she felt she can change to that form if she focuses a bit the child liked her either way he is zerg a pure kid and he has a cell of my to his core a perfect avatar for the next fun i finished the talck with her ended and i retuned to the hive and lower hallow hive i made the queen the leader with the Zerg Radience as her helper mainteined them safely and kept clayming the harsh dessert turning it in fertile zones and breading more unique zerg for growing in power and not in number i saw my dore oppen as i returned to be one with my truest self not wuite that true but close enoth i sat up from me seat the tv was still conected the flames of alchemy are from a long time ago in each and evry cell of my being so even my child body has it i left a strand of my soul in my small avatar he will be sent in a cultivation world wen he reaches a serthen age maybe she will folow him or just stay in that world the conections have been made the Au's were identified tied and realed in my world cluster as i got copy's from the original is safe and no ill will is spred between us i sat on my bed as i went to worck helping now and then with crisis to those time lines as such i just went to sleep.